Three Steps To Live Your Best Life From a Woman in her 60s
There is a powerful connection between our body, mind and heart. I believe it is the balance of these connections that help us optimize our health and allow us to achieve true happiness. Finding that balance is a process I call the Mountain of Youth (and it’s the title of my new book.) The mountain is made up of rocks and boulders, each representing areas of life you must focus on to have more energy and happiness than you could ever imagine. Healthy eating and exercise are obvious ones, but there are many, many more.
I’ve worked hard over my life to find my perfect balance. At 60, I am living proof that it’s possible to live a life filled to the brim with health and happiness. I have a very happy and full life – a wonderful balance of family, friends and my own personal needs and goals. That’s not an accident – I’ve created my own happiness.
You can achieve your perfect balance, too. Start with these small steps and you’ll be well on your way to the top of your mountain.

Seek beauty and joy. Find the beauty and joy in all that’s around you. Put down your phone and take the time to be grateful for all you have. Notice nature, the beauty of it and the joy it brings. Find the beauty in people, animals and your environment. It’s about taking a moment to breathe through quiet times and meditation.
Make the time to look your best. Get a great haircut, treat yourself to a new outfit or try a new lipstick. It’s amazing how great you can feel when you make the effort.
Cultivate relationships. Surround yourself with positive, loving and supportive people. Everyone has his or her own idea of what relationships should be, but they all require give and take. They all take work. Put your energy into ones that make you feel good.
Physical touch is also crucial to our well-being and relationships. It could be a simple as a hug or holding hands or more involved like giving or getting a massage. Touch is necessary for relationship survival and self-preservation.
Live with compassion. We all say we are compassionate beings, but we need to spread this compassion to all living things. It goes well beyond “us” – by being compassionately aware we could possibly save the planet for our future generations. Be more conscious of where your food comes from. Choose vegan style sources. Make healthy lifestyle decisions that honor all living creatures on this planet and watch your compassionate heart flourish.
Make the effort to find balance and your Mountain of Youth. Once you do, you’ll be able to fully embrace all the beauty and joy this planet and life of ours has to offer, like I do each and every day.

Irene Rizzo embraced a vegan lifestyle at the age of 11, and has spent her adult life helping others realize their full wonderful potential through Pilates training and holistic health coaching. Her first book, The Mountain of Youth: A Guide to Getting Fitter, Eating Cleaner and Living Compassionately is available at and on She lives through example and works hard each and every day to maintain her perfect balance.