This is one of those birthdays that calls for reflection. So here goes. What on Earth have I learned the past 20 years of my adult life?
1. It only takes one person to love you. But you have to be willing to let them know you. ALL of you.
2. Nothing in life will be more challenging, or funnier, than parenthood.
3. Sleep is a valuable currency, so is laughter.
4. Money does indeed buy power, but who wants to be in charge anyway? Seriously. The most uncool people in the world are the people in charge.
5. Smart phones are addictive, people. Admit it.
6. People who teach, do. People who can’t, are often selfish about more than their own knowledge.
7. Animals hold the secrets. It’s humanity that isn’t evolved enough to understand them.
8. Great friends come along when you’re usually in your most vulnerable state.
9. “It’s alright to cry. Crying gets the sad out of you.” – Roosevelt Grier, from “Free to Be You and Me”
10. Balance is a good goal for clumsy people.
11. Always say “Thank you.”
40 is liberating!

Tricia Barry is a communications director by day, co-owner of a small family-owned winery, Barry Family Cellars, partner to a Phish-loving winemaker and aspiring podcaster, and mother to an Elvis-loving kindergarten graduate who knows more about the fermentation process than he probably should. (Tricia is neither a Phish nor Elvis fan.) They live with a tiny retired circus dog, a drooling weirdo cat from Idaho, and a half raccoon half bear cub of a kitty who’s just the sweetest little love bug anyone has ever known until they leave for a night and return the next day to find he’s sprayed and defecated all over the kitchen in their beautiful (if you squint) fixer upper of a farm house in the Finger Lakes region of New York State. Follow her @TriciaMBarry