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5 Things We Want For Chanukah

5 Things We Want For Chanukah

Spin yo driedels, witches!

The Top Ten Reasons Why Everyone Should Celebrate Hanukkah

  1. No big, fat guy getting stuck in your chimney
  2. Cleaning wax off your menorah is slightly easier than dismantling an 8-foot tall fir tree
  3. Compare: chocolate gelt vs. fruitcake
  4. You get to learn cool new words like “Kislev” and “far-shtoonken-ah”
  5. No brutal let-down when you discover that Santa Claus isn’t real
  6. Your neighbors are unlikely to complain about how your menorah is blinding them senseless
  7. It’s like a big reunion when everyone gathers at the Chinese restaurant on Christmas Eve
  8. In a holiday character face-off, Judah Macabee could kick Frosty’s butt
  9. No need to clean up big piles of reindeer poop off your roof
  10. None of that Naughty-Nice Stuff EVERYONE GETS LOOT!!!

via Jokes About

Here are 5 things we want for Chanukah this week!



ModernTribe's Light, Joy, Latkes Hanukkah Plates & Utensils $12 - $24 Why Mom will appreciate this: Mom cares about a beautiful Hanukkah table. These bamboo plates and birch wood utensils are nicer than what she can get at Target®, but still casual and compostable. Choose a Set of All Sets and get 20% off!
ModernTribe’s Light, Joy, Latkes Hanukkah Plates & Utensils $12 – $24

Mom cares about a beautiful Hanukkah table. These bamboo plates and birch wood utensils are nicer than what she can get at Target, but still casual and compostable. Choose a Set of All Sets and get 20% off!

Money Clip, $18
Money Clip, $18

A great gift any shlemiel on your gift list will appreciate, and affordable to boot. What’s not to love?

Chillaerator Wine Aerator & Chilling Rod $24
Chillaerator Wine Aerator & Chilling Rod $6.99

For your holiday party – straight chillin!

See Also

mensch on a bench, $36 @
mensch on a bench, $36 @ or $20 on

If you’re little elf wants an elf on a shelf, but he’s a jew with a crew.. then get him a mensch on a bench!

Chalkboard Menorah, $19
Chalkboard Menorah, $19

Get more creative than these guys above did and use this chalkboard menorah to flaunt your creativity!

Want latke recipes, more gift ideas, or eco holiday party tips? Use our GGA search engine!