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The Best Mop We’ve Ever Used: A Greener, Safer Way To Clean Your Floors

The Best Mop We’ve Ever Used: A Greener, Safer Way To Clean Your Floors

Mops aren’t sexy, we hear you thinking. What’s an article about mops doing on GirlieGirlArmy? Well, this mop is sexy. Because to us, sexy means kind and innovative.  And the Zabada system is just that.

If you’ve been a reader of GirlieGirlArmy for a while, you know we eschew toxic cleaning products and why. When the back of your cleaning products state words like “poison”, “corrosive” or “irritant” – you should innately be deterred from buying them.  However – so many of us are conditioned to use “good ole” products our Moms used.  Unfortunately, Phthalates are endocrine disrupters associated with frightening reproductive effects, and that’s just one of MANY scary chemicals in traditional cleaning products. Cancer is closely connected to these products, why risk it? We are big fans of vinegar to clean with, but beyond that – we now have shelves full of delicious smelling totally natural products to clean with that mimic our old products perfectly and don’t get us sick. But our floors have been a vortex of the old fashioned mop (that never quite cleans the floors) and some sort of natural wood oil.  NO more — since we’ve met Zabada Mops. Not only are these the coolest, most well-designed mops we’ve ever seen – they work better than any we’ve ever used!

Watch how they work using only water!!

While the water goes to work on loosening the dirt, Zabada’s ultra-fine and unique thick-pile fibers replace the whole yucky chemical process to achieve an unbeatable result – removing up to 99% of bacteria. Without getting too nerdy, it’s a deep-cleaning mechanical process that shaves off and traps the dirt, grease and bacteria deep in the fiber, and only releases them when the fibers are washed.

So it’s not just a pretty fiber. Zabada is engineered and manufactured in Austria to exacting ISO* standards. And in university tests**, they reached one resounding conclusion – Zabada fibers outperform traditional cloths soaked in bleach, anti-bacterial cloths and other microfibers on the market. However, we understand that this mop isn’t suitable for everyone, therefore if you are looking for a new mop I recommend that you look at this mop guide by best products pro. It goes into lots of depth about the reasons they believe each product makes the list!

See Also

zabada_cleansystem_hr_rgbPIN IT

The downside? They aren’t cheap – at about $199 for the floor system. But with what you’ll save on cleaning supplies, replacing your old mops frequently, and in peace of mind – they are well worth the investment.