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Take A Look, It’s In A Book

Take A Look, It’s In A Book

Double dare you not to sing that song now..

This guy:

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Anyway, we get piles of books everyday to review here at GGA.  Many of them go right in the donate pile.   Here are the ones worth your while this Fall. Curl up with one of these ribbed paper babies under a blankie with some soy hot chocolate, a good pair of vintage spectacles, and let the reality TV take a breather. If we say read it, it means it’s really worth your time.  You’ll be inspired.  Or hungry. Do it.

FOODIE: These new cookbooks will make you so proud to be a healthy gourmand


SELF-HELPIE: Reading these books will make your life better

INTELLECTUAL CANDY: You’ll feel smarter and turned on by literature again.

See Also

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