Now Reading
The Lucky Ones

The Lucky Ones

Finally, the can’t-put-it-down, juicy, hilarious, heartwarming activist book we have been waiting for.  In 2002 Jenny Brown (a dear friend of GirlieGirl Army) moved from Boston to rural Watkins Glen, NY to live and work at an animal sanctuary and learn all she could about shelter operations. There Jenny and her husband Doug found the confidence they needed to start a sanctuary of their own. Today, Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary takes care of over two hundred rescued farm animals and has thousands of visitors annually.

Jenny, Doug, & Friends

By placing people within eye contact of beings mostly known as food, the sanctuary changes human hearts and minds about the animals abused in our industrialized food system.  Jenny’s first book  The Lucky Ones is an astounding story that will make you roll laughing, need tissues from weeping, and make you take out your notebook to write down some astounding facts while you change your diet, compassion levels, and open your heart to this truth-speakers magic.

Jenny’s new book is more than the story of the sanctuary and more than just Jenny’s personal story. It is a story that begins with a faithful friend, Boogie, the kitten Jenny received as a gift after losing her leg to bone cancer at age 10. Her relationship with Boogie sparked in her a feeling of responsibility and awareness about animals’ vulnerability. It stayed with her for the eighteen years of Boogie’s life, and it positioned Jenny to consider those living and dying in far-flung factory farms.




Jenny’s book includes vital statistics and shocking facts about lives of the 10 billion animals used for food every year in the U.S (and that number doesn’t even include fish).  She contrasts these cold realities with her first-hand knowledge of the individuals she’s encountered, and explains, for example, that pigs are the smartest domesticated animals in the world, cows are deeply emotional, and turkeys will compete for your affection.

See Also
The Best Vegan Gluten Free Healthy Chips In The World

Jenny’s awakening and how her journey led her to become a nationally known animal activist is pure inspiration.  This is a memoir with a mission: to convince readers of the beautiful relationship humans share with domesticated animals and how even farm animals are just as loveable, intelligent, and worthy of our love as the cats, dogs and other pets we adore. Jenny writes with humor and brutal honesty to the connection between animal cruelty and a kind, healthy, vegan diet—Jenny has become a voice for the voiceless.


  • NYC BOOK RELEASE  Tuesday, August 7, from 7 – 9 pm at NYC’s hip mecca for vegan footware and accessories, MooShoes. Refreshments by Blossom du Jour will be served. MooShoes 78 Orchard Street NYC
  • WOODSTOCK, NY BOOK RELEASE  August 26th at the Kleinert James Gallery hosted by The Golden Notebook

More tour dates and book parties to come.  Check here to note new dates.