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The Sexual Politics of Meat

The Sexual Politics of Meat

The Sexual Politics of Meat by Carol J. Adams released in its 20th anniversary edition.

In it, Adams examines our culture of meat-eating through a feminist lens and makes discoveries that feminists, feminist supporters, and animal activists will mostly likely find profound. Specifically, Adams presents a highly compelling (and fascinating) argument connecting meat-eating with male dominance in our culture.  What may seem an unlikely relationship at first is made shockingly apparent as Adams engages the reader in the myths about manliness and meat-eating, the similar processes by which animals and women are objectified and consumed (animals literally, women visually), and the benefits to our patriarchal culture that derive from denying animals and women their individuality.

The foreword for this 20th anniversary edition is by award-winning singer/songwriter Nellie McKay, and J.M. Coetzee, winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Literature and author of Disgrace, makes this endorsement:   “The connections traced between rampant masculinity, misogyny, carnivorism, and militarism operate as powerfully today as when Carol Adams first diagnosed them twenty years ago.”

The Sexual Politics of Meat is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand an essential aspect of male dominance. Carol has provided twenty  “nonlinear” facts about the 20th anniversary edition at her blog.

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via Mary Max