Unless you live under a rock, you’ve read about (in high end fashion magazines or maybe even here) or seen (on her viral instagram images or your coolest friends house) the magnificent, wall-sized dreamcatchers made by Genga of SpokeWoven. This former film Director with an MFA has found a new way to create spiritual art that is both deeply moving, and stunningly beautiful.
What an honor it was for GirlieGirl Army Founder/ Edior Chloé Jo Davis to interview Genga!
Watch our GirlieGirl Army x Celebrity Catwalk interview with Genga on MNN live on your very own cable tv (dates to be announced shortly) or here (premiere – whut whut!) below now. We can bet Genga will make you think differently about what the collaborative art process is.
BONUS BONER: Take 20% off any purchase at spokewoven.com with code GIRLIEGIRLARMY
Don’t be a fool, take advantage of this for your Holiday gifts now!

Images from her fabulous instafeed