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Breaking The Cycle Of Poverty And Sexual Violence Against Women And Girls In Kenya

Breaking The Cycle Of Poverty And Sexual Violence Against Women And Girls In Kenya

Art and Abolition exists to restore justice to young girls in Kenya who have survived sexual violence as a result of poverty. They care for girls, usually under the age of 15 who, because of poverty, have had to endure rape and other forms of sexual violence in order to have their basic needs met- needs like  food, clean water, and school fees. This organization is breaking the cycle of poverty and sexual violence against women and girls in Kenya through foster care, education, art therapy and economic empowerment.

Art and Abolition is securing a beautiful new home foster care home in Kenya for their girls. To cover rent for 2016, they are raising $16,000 in 16 days.

Join us in the movement to break the cycle of poverty and sexual violence against women and girls by donating to the campaign here.

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