Currently, political vitriol is at an all-time high, voter participation has tumbled to a shocking low, and the 2016 primaries are raining down upon us like hail in a hurricane. Known for her internet art including Thanksgiving Special, Broga, and Dr. Dreidel, Hannah Rothstein is a conceptual artist and painter who has now created Mr. & Mrs. Politico Head that lets you create your own ideal candidate.
She invites us to:
“Mix and match the candidates’ features to your heart’s delight. No matter the combination you choose, they’ll all remain the same underneath! On a deeper level, Mr. & Mrs. Politico Head challenges viewers to think critically about the presidential race as a whole. By blending the candidates with a beloved American toy, this project draws parallels between games and politics: Is this all an elaborate round of monopoly, reality TV, or charades? Do candidates simply put on whatever face necessary to win? ”

You can buy one or donate to Hannah’s work here. Follow Hannah on Instagram: hrothsteinart