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An Eco Fashionistas Dream, PLUS: Win!

An Eco Fashionistas Dream, PLUS: Win!

We all know your friends say you’re picky. But we prefer the term discerning.  You demand more than just quality and style when you go for a retail fix… eco-friendly, vegan, fair trade, and organic matter just as much. And why shouldn’t it?!

Ethical Ocean is our new BFF.

Ethical Ocean is your one-stop-shop for ethical shopping… and we don’t mean all hemp and granola kind of ethical (though we do love a good bowl of cereal and a proper hemp clutch.) The days of scouring the mall for that hot little black dress, must-have pumps, adorable baby clothes, and perfect shade of lipstick are long gone for us, we want shopping that doesn’t make us sacrifice our values or our time. At Ethical Ocean you don’t have to compromise style and quality for consciousness. No matter what you’re shopping for it’s there, and it’s hot.   And it just happens to be something you’ll be totally proud to support with your shekels and show off.

Here’s what makes it different from the other eco shopping sites:

To make it easy to shop by your ethics, each of the 7 ethical categories are marked with a color-coded droplet. For instance, if you want to double check that a product is vegan, just look for the light blue droplet marked with a ‘v’ or browse through the vegan section of the store.

Best of all, they have over 4,000 products, so you’ll be sure to discover ethical products you never knew existed – stunning handbags made from recycled newspapers, a hands-free phone powered by the sun, and even eco-friendly and vegan ‘toys’ to heat things up in the bedroom!

Show EO some love and win!

Ethical Ocean is super pumped to have you check out the store, they’ve got a massive giveaway exclusive to Girlie Girls.

Here’s all you have to do:

See Also
YouTube Superstar Kalel Shows Off Her Cruelty-Free Wardrobe

  1. Show Ethical Ocean some love by liking them on Facebook
  2. Write a comment on the EO facebook wall telling them what your favorite product from the store is and why you love it so much!
  3. Stay posted and the EO crew will draw a winner who will win the product they selected
Pretty sweet, right?

To get you inspired, here are some of our current faves:

Look effortlessly eco-cool in this gorgeous tunic by Kali made from organic cotton;


Women’s Lyocell Scoop Neck Tunic, $81 @

Vegan vixens in search of a shoe that would make even Carrie Bradshaw squeal, check out these swan boots by Neuaura… and at clearance prices, they’re an absolute steal.

Swan Shoes by Neuaura, $44

If fair trade is your thing, this bold yoga cowry by One Mango Tree is made by a group of women artisans in Northern Uganda who are rebuilding their lives after decades of civil
unrest.  Put your yoga mat in, and get hit on by the yogi cutie on line to check in at the World Peace Yoga Conference.


Yogamat Bag by Cowry, $28

And if green geekery is your guilty pleasure, take a look at this solar-powered hands-free phone – just mount it on your dash so it can catch and store the rays while you chat away.


Scosche SolChat2 Hands-Free, $71

Now that you’ve entered the Facebook contest and have the lowdown on everything awesome at EO, they’ve got an extra treat for you.

Get awhopping 15% off until July when you use the coupon code GirlieGirl at checkout to save on absolutely anything in the store!

Vegan glamazons, fair trade die-hards, and eco-fashionistas, leave your ethical lusting behind because conscious shopping has never been easier!