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The Best Natural (and Cruelty-Free!) Sunscreens

The Best Natural (and Cruelty-Free!) Sunscreens

Want to know how to sun your buns and not get burned – the cruelty free way?   Summer season and tiny bikinis go hand in hand, but when you’re showing a little more bosom, sun protection is key.

Most health care providers will tell you that lathering on any sunscreen will do the trick, but conventional sunscreens are scarier than Heidi and Spencer. Most “sun protectors” out there today are tested on animals, contain animal products and harsh chemicals, and don’t even offer anywhere near the amount of protection they boast.   The Environmental Working Group’s test of 891 brand name sunscreens brought back some grody results that would make any one (veg or not) want to lay off sunscreen use for life. Many of the products tested contained harmful ingredients like titanium dioxide which is toxic to our temples and our environment.

All is not lost, darlings!   With more cruelty-free, natural sunscreens now on the market place, we can be safely SPF protected and ethical! Take that Coppertone.

Below are our choice of sunscreens that rock the superhero combo of eco, natural, and vegan;

Alba Botanica: One of the most affordable at $8.99 for 4 ounces.   It’s 100% vegetarian, but the scented brands’ “fragrance” are not completely eco and it does contain oxybenzone, a potentially harmful chemical.


Aubrey Organics Natural Sun: Even cheaper at $8.50 for 4 ounces. This one is vegan, not tested on animals, has UVA and UVB protection, plus features organic green tea and shea butter.   Horrah!


Kiss My Face: A little pricier at $11.95 for 4 ounces. Again, this one is totally vegan and not tested on animals, plus the website emphasizes that the sunscreen also contains no artificial colors of unnecessary chemicals. That’s what we like to hear!

See Also


Desert Organics: This one will cost you the most at $15.95, but when you read its list of credentials you’ll totally fork over the pesos. Totally vegan, not tested on animals, certified organic, contains vitamin E and grape seed extract. Plus, get this; all Desert Organic’s products contain a “wind powered” seal.


So don’t be scared, be protected. Strip down and find a hot cabana boy/ girl to rub you down stat!