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5 Genius Ways To Get Yourself To Drink More Water

5 Genius Ways To Get Yourself To Drink More Water

It can be hard to commit to sitting down and chugging the 80 ounces of water your body needs a day. It’s not always top priority to sit down and slowly drink a gallon of water, but it should be.  {Curious how much water you should be drinking a day? Do the calculations based on your weight and activity level – learn how here} Here are some of out of the box water drinking

5 Genius Ways To Get Yourself To Drink More Water
5 Genius Ways To Get Yourself To Drink More Water

Here are 5 things that are changing the way we drink our daily agua:

  • ZeroWater Filtration System delivers the best filtration possible through its patented 5-stage ion exchange filter which removes virtually all total dissolved solids (TDS). No other filter pitcher or dispenser can apparently make this claim. By removing virtually all TDS, ZeroWater is the only gravity-fed filtration system to match the TDS levels found in Purified Bottled Water. To date, the breakthrough ZeroWater filter has received certifications by NSF International and the Water Quality Association for the removal of copper, iron, zinc, aluminum, lead, chromium, mercury, chlorine and hydrogen sulfide. In addition, Good Housekeeping Research Institute findings reveal that ZeroWater filters remove more pharmaceuticals and chemicals than Brita and PUR. That said, they’ve now released a good sized personal tumbler so you can fill up ANYWHERE and have the cleanest possible water – on the go/ on your desk/ at the beach — anywhere.  This has changed the game for us!
Zero Water Tumbler - filters your water on the go!
Zero Water Tumbler, $20 (including 2 filters)
  • The HidrateSpark ($54) glows when it’s time for you to drink up.  This super smart water bottle syncs with an app on your phone to track your water intake and glows to remind you to drink. Cleverly written notifications will help you reach your recommended daily water goal based on your personal parameters, location, and activity. Sync Hidrate Spark with your favorite health apps to see a complete picture of your health. We gave one of these to a teenaged girl, and she went crazy for it. We love these as gifts for tweens and teens who, on a whole, tend to slack on their h20 consumption. They seem to love the vibrant color options and the app reminders.
 brighter glow, enhanced tracking, stronger connection, faster syncing and even more new app features. This is the second generation of our smart water bottle that syncs with an app on your phone to track your water intake and glows to remind you to drink. Cleverly written notifications will help you reach your recommended daily water goal based on your personal parameters, location, and activity. Sync Hidrate Spark with your favorite health apps to see a complete picture of your health.
Hidate Spark, $54
  • The Stojo is a collapsible pocket cup, accepted by most cafes and coffeshops that fits in your bag or pocket, is totally eco-friendly, and encourages you to quickly grab a sip of water. In the park? No problem, fill up your stojo at the water fountain. Need an afternoon uplift? Fill ‘er up with boiling water and green tea at work. Unlike the larger flasks, these offer a zero space commitment – even easily fitting into an evening clutch or fanny pack for a dog walk.
Stojo Collapsible Pocket Cup
Stojo Collapsible Pocket Cup, $19.95
  • The Hydro Flask Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle is the largest and best wide mouthed on the go bottle we’ve found. It keeps our water cold and crisp, and is the best option for marathon water drinkers – aka those of us who drink a ton of water. The ergonomic design has a superior flow rate and is a comfortable carry.
Hydro Flask
Hydro Flask, $39-99 (depending on color)
  • Although seltzer isn’t optimal, it’s a wonderful alternative to traditional sugary or diet soda. A DIY SodaStream can pay for itself in weeks when you stop buying seltzer and sodas, and without all the toxic fake sugars, you’ll see a change in your overall health and mood. Transform ordinary tap water into fresh, great-tasting sparkling water in less than 30 seconds.  If you must, you can choose from over 60 “all-natural sodamix” varieties with no high-fructose corn syrup and no aspartame or just make seltzer and squeeze a fresh lemon in for an addition to your uncarbonated water consumption. This isn’t a water replacement suggestion, but rather an addition to your regular water drinking.
Soda Stream At Home Soda Maker
Soda Stream At Home Soda Maker,$99