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I Care About You – But I Don’t Really Give A Shit About Your Feelings

I Care About You – But I Don’t Really Give A Shit About Your Feelings

I Care About You - But I Don't Really Give A Shit About Your Feelings

If you want to make a change in some part of your life, if you want to make progress or have a different outcome, it’s time to stop operating based on your mood and your feelings (which change on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis). It’s time to START operating based on your commitment to yourself and your personal integrity. It’s time to get conscious of the inner dialogue you have with yourself.

I had an incredible writing teacher who once said, “Writers don’t like writing…They like having written.” I coach a BUNCH of writers. It’s TORTURE for every single one of them to sit down to write. Once they start, they’re good – but they NEVER feel like writing. So if they operated based on their feelings, they’d never actual write.

I Care About You - But I Don't Really Give A Shit About Your Feelings
I Care About You – But I Don’t Really Give A Shit About Your Feelings

If I lived my life based on my moods and my feelings, I’d be a shitty mom (because being a good parent is more hard work than anyone ever tells you and there are more days than I care to admit that I’m tired and I don’t feel like it.) If I lived my life based on my mood and my feelings, I wouldn’t ever get my ass to the gym, because I pretty much NEVER feel like working out and I often feel like eating at least two Trader Joe’s chipwiches in one sitting. If I lived my life based on my mood and my feelings, I wouldn’t be doing my dream job, working with people to level up and live more fulfilling lives because I was scared out of my mind not knowing what the hell it would look like and that I wouldn’t be any good at it.

But I’m committed to raising great little humans. I’m committed to having a strong, healthy body. I’m committed to MYSELF and not letting fear get in the way. And I’m committed to YOU and what I know is possible for you.

YOU are the only thing standing in the way of having what you want. You and your feelings and that team of voices that tell you all the reasons you don’t have to or you shouldn’t. You set a goal and then 90% of the days, you don’t “feel” like it because it’s easier not to.

Tell me this -Do you feel like staying stagnant? Do you feel like spending your days at a job you hate? Do you feel like missing out on the dreams you know you’re capable of? What would it look like if you didn’t feel like it but decided you were going to do it anyway? Try it for a few days and let me know what happens.

One of my all time favorite quotes says it in the simplest way possible:

See Also
How To Deal When Your Child Gets Angry

Easy choices, hard life.
Hard choices, easy life.

It’s that simple, my friend.
Easy life or hard life? You choose.

Known for her whip-smart intuition, tough-love guidance, and fierce commitment to growth for both her clients and herself, Michelle Pollack has made it her mission to develop leadership in innovative movers and shakers. Her clients include Advertising Executives, Education Leaders, Event Planners, Marketing Strategists, Directors, Producers, Influencers, Entrepreneurs and Consultants. Michelle works with her clients to lead with confidence, integrity and purpose. She believes leaders are made, not born, and that stellar leadership is a necessity – not only in a thriving, successful work culture – but in our world.