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How To Filter Out Koo Koo Crazy

How To Filter Out Koo Koo Crazy

Crazy people and stressful scenerios are all around all of us, even in the most basic moments of our lives.  The man who yells at you in line at Whole Foods, your Mother/in-laws existence, the pile of bills on your desk.  And of course there are different levels of bonkers, but interactions with stressful people all have the same internal outcome for us — tumult.  Here’s how to filter out stress visa Eliza Grimes, L.Ac. Acupuncturist;

Hit the Reset Button

Now is a good time to hit the healthy reset button whatever this means for you. Developing our own set of comfort tools is so important in getting through a challenging time and being prepared will only help minimize the impact.

Need some help?

Here are some de-stressor suggestions you can try at home:

1. Pigeon Pose: Scoot yourself into pigeon pose, breathe, and let it all go. Often times we store old emotions in our large joints, the hips being the worst offender!


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2. Create a Filter: When we are vulnerable our bodies are more sensitive to the craziness around us. At the start of your day, close your eyes and mentally outline a mesh bubble around you. It might sound silly but you would be surprised how helpful the intention alone can be when interacting with the crazy world around you.

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3. Walk/Talk with a Friend: Sometimes taking a long walk with a friend is the perfect medicine. Get some fresh air and talk it out. Vulnerability is strength and if you don’t believe me, watch Brene Brown’s awesome TED Talk on vulnerability;

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