If you use various forms of pain relievers (BC Powder, Bayer brand, Excedrin, Advil, etc) you are risking your health for short term pain relief. Yes, you may obtain the illusion of pain relief, but do you know how the various aspirins work against pain? ANSWER: By deadening your nerves! Long term aspirin use is sure to corrode your nerves and entire nervous system leading to certain central nervous system pathologies such as Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease, and even stroke. Sound worth it to you for a quick fix?
Aspirin breaks down or converts into ascetic acid inside the body and eats up red blood cells, just like white distilled vinegar does. Aspirin use therefore pollutes the blood, which is the essence of life. In addition to polluting and eating up the blood, aspirin greatly thins the blood. Many people take aspirin daily as a blood thinner. People’s arteries are so clogged, rather than cleansing the arteries in order to improve or enhance blood flow. Doctors unwisely prescribe aspirin to thin the blood – which is very dangerous because lack of blood equals lack of oxygen flow, and lack of oxygen flow to the brain will undoubtedly result in a stroke. The herb gingko biloba is a much better and safer medicinal and alternative to aspirin as it is a mild blood thinner. Unlike aspirin, it greatly enhances oxygen flow throughout the body. Some foods and other substances like turmeric, and ginger can also act as natural blood thinners and can help reduce the risk of clots. These too can be used instead of aspirin.
Other reasons Aspirin should be dumped from your repertoire: Aspirin causes intestinal and stomach ulcers. Aspirin burns a hole through the lining of the intestines and the stomach causing internal wounds (ulcers) and bleeding. Drinking cabbage juice is the best remedy for this problem. Aloe vera juice will also help to heal ulcers.
Women who take Midol for menstrual-related pain and cramps would do much better to take the herbs feverfew, cramp bark, and black haw. A liquid calcium supplement will greatly reduce menstrual-related pain as well. Calcium is nature’s nervine and tranquilizer. Serious suffers of headaches, especially migraines, would be much better off taking the herbs that aspirin was originally made from! Aspirin was originally made from herbs rich in the alkaloid salicin which converts into salicyclic acid inside the body, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and thereby neutralizes pain.
Herbs that contain amounts of salicin include meadowsweet, white willow bark, red willow bark, black willow bark, woodruff, balm of gilead, and wintergreen. All of these could easily be found in a quick internet search or visit to your local health food store.
The herbs feverfew, peppermint, and wood betony should or can be added to the herbs above to create a natural pain relieving tea that can be drunk throughout the day and as much as you like in order to naturally eradicate a headache. Please know that a headache is an acid condition and alkaline substances can heal/cure and prevent headaches. Herbs are alkaline substances.
(EDITORS NOTE: Not ready to start crushing herbs just yet? Start with teas from your local health food store or buy buying homeopathic remedies like the one below;)

Lastly, long-term aspirin use will greatly pollute and eventually degenerate the liver, a very important cleansing agent and organ. People with red eyes have very toxic livers. Liver toxicity manifests in the white of the eyes. The herbs milk thistle seed, dandelion, boldo, goldenseal, tumeric, Oregon grape, artichoke, blue flag, gentian root, and barberry will heal, repair, and cleanse the liver. Carbon (activated charcoal) will also greatly help to cleanse the liver.
More important than relieving pain, you should attempt to discover the root cause of pain, for prevention is better than remedy. Pain is just a sensor that lets you know that something is wrong in or with the body. Pain is a question that seeks an answer.
Djehuty Ma’at-Ra is the founder of Dherbs.com, a website dedicated to natural health and healing as well as raising human consciousness. Mr. Ma’at-Ra is a metaphysician, herbalist, life guide coach, lecturer, writer, and jurisperitus. .. and therefore more than qualified to break it down and get you off that toxic aspirin addiction for good!