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End Your Plastic-Free July With A Plastic-Free Period

End Your Plastic-Free July With A Plastic-Free Period

End Your Plastic-Free July With A Plastic-Free Period

Aren’t as proud of your plastic consumerism as you should be?  Start with a Plastic-Free July (or August if you’re late to the game!)- a month-long movement dedicated to cutting back on our single-use plastic consumption so we keep our streets, oceans, and communities pristine. Plastic straws, grocery bags and disposable water bottles are so often part of our daily routines – but did you know that the typical tampon takes 500 years to decompose in a landfill? Which means the first plastic applicators invented in the 1970’s are still around…not to mention that an individual who menstruates will purchase anywhere from 5,000-15,000 tampons and/or pads over the course of their lifetime, and US customers alone purchase almost $6 billion worth of tampons & pads per year.

That’s right – disposable feminine hygiene products are a huge threat to our environment, and our bodies. Mainstream disposable pads and tampons are both treated with a host of chemical bleaching agents and surfactants (absorbency-enhancing chemicals), plastics and, often, perfumes or “deodorants”, all of which can interfere with vaginal Ph levels.  Not to mention, wearing tampon’s dries you out. But don’t panic, you have another option – organic disposables or cloth. But you’ve heard us talk about that before – and if you haven’t – watch our video about it here.

Our current obsession is ModiBodi.  This innovative Australian brand’s patented leak/period-proof underwear, swimwear, and activewear provide an eco-friendly alternative to disposable sanitary products (wear, wash, & repeat for up to 2 years!), so that all “bodis” can be comfortable, protected, and plastic-free no matter the time of the month. We have tried them in house, and can vouch that they are beautifully designed, comfortable, soft, and wonderful to look at. They even make great running shorts with an inner lining – great for running during your period or for pee-leak-ers or post-partum. Imagine, your softest, cutest, comfiest undies – with a super cushy liner that doesn’t show through the panties.

Start Your Plastic-Free July With A Plastic-Free Period

Modibodi’s  start at $19.00/pair and up, ranging in size from 4XS to 6XL, and they ship to the US, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Europe. While other brands rely on third-party technology, Modibodi is the first of its kind to receive full-patenting for their proprietary Modifier Technology. Fully committed to preserving the planet, products are completely free of PFAS chemicals and even offer a vegan line of briefs and bikini underwear.

See Also
Deluxe Heavy Flow Kit, $149

And in honor of Plastic-Free July, those who pledge to a plastic-free period this month will be entered to win a giveaway pack with other amazing eco-friendly brands committed to reducing plastic pollution too.

Try ModiBodi – here’s a link for $10 off your first purchase!!!