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Leather Made From Pineapples

Leather Made From Pineapples

A company named Ananas Anam has developed an innovative, natural and sustainable non-woven textile called Piñatex™ made from pineapple leaf fibers. Piñatex has evolved from seven years of research and development to create a natural textile from waste plant fibers. Piñatex provides new additional income for farmers while creating a vibrant new industry for pineapple growing countries. Piñatex fibres are the by-product of the pineapple harvest. No extra land, water, fertilizers or pesticides are required to produce them. No pineapple is harmed in the making of Piñatex. This is a win/win for animals, compassionista fashionistas, and fruits!

Leather Made From Pineapples
Leather Made From Pineapples

Find out where to buy these cruelty-free, vegan, eco-friendly, conscious products here.