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H&M Does Something Really Cool

H&M Does Something Really Cool

95% of the tons of textiles that end up in landfills every year could have been recycled.

So H&M (who are incidentally the largest purchasers of organic fabrics in the world!) is now offering you 15% off any one item anytime you bring in your unwanted clothes to donate that they then process, hand-sort and either reuse (donate) or recycle into new materials. You can literally donate an old shmata tee shirt with holes in it and get 15% off your purchase.  It’s a total win-win. 

In fact, when I went in to a buy a few things the other day I donated 3 things and the sales lady gave me 15% off two separate items.. total score. Got $10 off which at H&M is maj.  Other retailers should follow suit on this idea, it encourages recycling and brings in new business.

Get the details on this program here.

See Also

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