Been searching for animal-friendly ballet slippers for yourself or your favorite little Ballerina? Look no further, Cynthia King Dance Studio filled a much needed void in the cruelty-free market by designing and manufacturing 100% Vegan Split Sole Canvas Ballet Slippers and 100% Vegan Full Sole Canvas Ballet Slippers in super soft canvas with great, non-slip sole, and stretch drawstring for children or adults!
Cynthia King, a highly respected dancer and choreographer for over 30 years, has taught and directed dance departments of many schools in New York and New Jersey and has been credited by the NYC Department of Education with developing “one of the most comprehensive dance programs in the district.” She is one of those women you meet and immediately think; “I’ve just been in the presence of a Queen.” Her heart and passion resonates in everything she does.
Ms. King, mother of two vegan B-Boys, is a community advocate, dedicated animal welfare advocate and activist serving on the board of directors of the NY League of Humane Voters, and is a proud supporter of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. She runs a glorious dance studio in Brooklyn, NY where we strongly suggest you take classes, if you love to dance.

She says;
“When you choose Cynthia King Vegan Ballet Slippers you have taken a graceful step towards improving our environment and reducing cruelty to animals. You not only help save the lives of the animals used in the production of shoes, but you also help to conserve the habitat of many others. Gorillas, chimpanzees, and many other species face deforestation and homelessness every day due to unnecessary destruction of their habitats for livestock production. Waterways around the world continue to suffer lingering effects of pollution from factory farms and tanneries, some closed generations ago. Using cruelty free ballet slippers directly conserves natural resources and saves lives.”
How’s that for compassionate and responsible shopping?
To order by phone call (718) 437-0101. To order online click here. Place order by 2pm E.S.T Mon-Thurs & your slippers will ship next day. International orders usually ship within 2 business days of ordering. They are $24.95