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Editors Picks: We Want it NOW!

Editors Picks: We Want it NOW!

We search the world for the best of the best so you don’t have to.     You have more important things to do, like tweeze your stray hairs and color code your books.   Enjoy our editors picks for ‘Most Wanted of the Week!’

Next time your catchin’ a nip, why not toss in some wit. This set of glasses from the BUST Boobtique are imprinted with this ditty from Dorthy Parker: “I like to have a martini, Two at the very most, Three I’m under the table, Four I’m under my host!” Sounds familiar to the horny lightweights in our midst!   Mix up a batch of filthy martini’s, and invite us over for a rousing game of spin the kombucha bottle!

Dorothy Parker Martini Glass Set, $23 @
Dorothy Parker Martini Glass Set, $23 @

And really, whoever says you can’t be a green queen and still buy jewelry must be huffing the paint cans! Simon Cardwell²s creations are all made in the USA, and produced from 100% recycled materials.     His latest collections features hand-carved creatures, all named for animals on the 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This Andean mountain cat rocks Fair-Trade rubies, sapphires, or recycled diamonds, and is offered in 10K recycled gold.     It’s the perfect mixture of Grannie chic and classic elegance.

Cheeky Monkey Cat Necklace by Simon Cardwell, $325.
Cheeky Monkey Gold Mountain Cat Necklace by Simon Cardwell, $325.

We admit, it’s been hard to get rid of our bright mac eyeshadow pallets (full o’ chemicals), but we are finally ready after getting our grubby, make-up loving mitts on the mineral, totally natural, vegan, and vibrant shades from Beauty from the Earth.   These colors are gorgeous, and stayed on throughout a sweaty night of guzzling and swaying… so there.     Take a chance; buy a bunch of bright shades and experiment.   The more you put on, the more dramatic these brights are, but put on only a bit and you get a tiny hint of glam.     We recently rocked a bright yellow shadow, rimmed our inner lids black, and got compliments galore.   It pays to take a chance!

See Also

Multipurpose Minerals from, $5-6.50 each.
Multipurpose Minerals from, $5-6.50 each.

When you buy a bottle of Les Compagnons wine, you aren’t just tossing back any old Cabernet Sauvignon.   You are saving lives! When a duo of successful wine importers from France and California picked up (and subsequently fell in love with) an injured Chihuahua on the streets of Brooklyn,   it only seemed to emphasize all the other dogs they couldn’t save-numbers that seemed too overwhelming to comprehend. In New York City alone, Animal Care and Control estimates that approximately one thousand dogs are regularly sent to their shelter alone every month….and anywhere from 35% to nearly half of all these dogs were put to sleep in the last year. After getting a taste of the unconditional love from their rescued pet, they decided to take action, hence the birth of this wonderful company where a percentage of every bottle purchased goes directly to one of four nonprofits dedicated to improving the lives of animals and pet-lovers in need!   Oh, and the wine is vegan, organic, and absolutely delicious!

Les Compagnons Wine, see site to buy online or at your local wine shop.
Les Compagnons Wine, see site to buy online or at your local wine shop.

Try and love or hate any of the above?   Lettuce know!