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Crazy Good New Gluten Free Vegan Cookie Brand

Crazy Good New Gluten Free Vegan Cookie Brand

We recently had the luck of staring down a package of Maxine’s Heavenly Cookies. Gluten free, vegan (cruelty free), non GMO, sweetened with only coconut sugar (low glycemic index), and made with healthy ingredients (oats, brown rice flour, flax!), these cookies may be our favorite new vegan cookie brand. It’s hard to believe they aren’t freshly out of someone’s oven, they taste that fresh and robust. They are insanely good, rich, and decadent.

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And how’s this for a fun gift idea?

Maxine’s Heavenly Vegan Cookie Club sends you a shipment of cookies once a month. You can choose from quantities of 4, 8 or 12 bags of cookies. Keep your same choices coming month after month, or be surprised with a variety of flavors. As a special thank you, first time cookie club buyers receive an extra bag of cookies for free on their first month’s delivery!

See Also
Raw Chocolate Vegan Candy Apple Wedges

Grab them at your local store, on amazon, or at

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