Passover is nearly upon us, so before you lean and get all wasted on the ‘shevitz, make this decadent Pistachio Chewy Bite Studded Matzo Brittle from the very vegan and Jewish (and adorable) cooking sisterhood duo, The Spork Sisters.
Here’s how:
Pistachio and Cranberry Studded Matzo Brittle
Serves 6-8
- 3 sheets organic or whole wheat matzo
- 3 tablespoons non-hydrogenated buttery spread (like Earth Balance)
- ¼ cup organic raw cane sugar
- ¾ cup dark chocolate chips or chopped chocolate
- ½ cup roughly chopped pistachio kernels
- 1/3 cup roughly chopped dried cranberries
Pre-heat oven to 350°F.
Place sheets of matzo on a lightly greased baking sheet. Set aside.
In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, add margarine and cook until melted. Add raw cane sugar and whisk to create a caramel, about 2 minutes. Add cinnamon.
Spread mixture evenly over matzo and place in the oven for 5-6 minutes, or until caramel mixture is bubbling.
Smooth caramel mixture over matzo and evenly sprinkle chocolate on top. Place in the oven for 2-3 minutes to melt.
Remove from the oven and spread chocolate with a spatula to smooth over matzo evenly.
Top evenly with pistachios and cranberries. Turn oven off and place matzo in oven for an additional 2 minutes, to make brittle extra crisp. Place on the counter to cool for about 15 minutes.
Once cool, refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hour to allow to firm up.
Break into uneven pieces and serve.

© Spork Foods, 2013

Spork Foods is a Los Angeles-based gourmet vegan food company owned and operated by sisters Jenny Engel and Heather Goldberg.
Buy their amazing cookbook here: