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The Vegan Bacon & 3 Cheese Frittata of Your Dreams

The Vegan Bacon & 3 Cheese Frittata of Your Dreams

This one was a big hit around here and is going to be a regular for Sunday Brunch.  Be sure to serve with a fresh crusty bread (or toast) and lots of vegan bloody mary’s!  Is it the weekend yet?

Vegan Bacon & 3 Cheese Frittata




In your bestest cast iron skillet, heat 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil at a medium heat. Tear each slice of your Vegan Bacon in half or into three pieces. Keep whatever pieces crumble off. Once your Oil is warm add your Vegan Bacon. Once its browned set the Vegan Bacon aside on plate with a paper towel to soak up extra Oil. Now add around 2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil and a Dash of Liquid Smoke. Then toss in your Bell Pepper and Red Onion. Cook until the Veggies are tender.

In a food processor, blend Tofu, Soy Coffee Creamer, Nutritional Yeast Flakes, Corn Starch, Onion Powder, Cumin, Miso Paste, Tumeric, Braggs and Paprika until you get a smooth paste. Here’s where you can taste this blend to see if you want more salt or add some pepper. I tossed a pinch of Lemon Pepper into one of the batches at this step and really liked it.

See Also

Now spray your skillet down with the Olive Oil Cooking Spray. Now pour The Tofu Blend in the center of the skillet and roll your wrist to spread our your Tofu Egg Blend. You want it to be spread out like a nice even pancake. If should fill your skillet. You have to move pretty fast so it spreads smoothly. If you find you didn’t move fast enough, you can always use a spatula to spread the Tofu Blend out evenly.

Your edges should look like this

Let the Tofu Blend fry for around 3 minutes. During that time use your spatula to keep loosening the edges. Once the edges begin to brown and get crispy – very gently use your spatula to lift and check the progress of the Frittata.  You want Your Frittata be golden and crispy so make sure you can see that beginning to happen before you toss on your Fillings. Don’t worry if the top is still a soft. IN fact it is kinda good – the toppings with cook into the Tofu Egg Blend. Spread your Vegan Bacon pieces over your cooking Tofu Egg Blend. Then sprinkle an even layer of Daiya Cheddar and then another one of Sheese. Make an even layer of the Veggie Blend and then Sprinkle the rest of your vegan Cheese. Now – cover your skillet and let cook for another minute. if your skillet doesn’t have a lid – you can always use an oven safe plate. You’ll want to check on it a little to make sure the Vegan Cheese is melting. Cook for another 2 minutes. Keep an eye on your edges and make sure they don’t burn. To serve just toss some Fresh Chives or Parsley and and some Creole Seasoning on top. Cut into 2 huge or 4 good sized pieces and don’t forget that toast.

Recipe by Meet The Shannons. We’ve been kvelling over Dan and Annie Shannon’s cooking skills for quite a while.  They launched the Betty Crocker Project on their site, and made it their goal to veganize the entire Betty Crocker cookbook.  And if that alone doesn’t make you realize how genius they are, make these cupcakes to become lifelong fans.