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Vegan Eggs Benedict Recipe

Vegan Eggs Benedict Recipe

We’ve been kvelling over Dan and Annie Shannon’s cooking skills for quite a while.  They launched the Betty Crocker Project on their site, Meet the Shannons and made it their goal to veganize the entire Betty Crocker cookbook.  And they’ve done it… Julie & Julia style!  It’s pretty unreal what they’ve managed to veganize and it definitely proves that you can eat cruelty-free and eat absolutely ANYTHING.

Try this Vegan Eggs Benedict recipe asap.  We promise, breakfast will never be the same again.


Poached Egg

  • 1 Package of Firm Tofu (drained and cut into 4 rectangular pieces)
  • 1 Batch of the Cheese Sauce in our Mac & Cheese recipe

Hollandaise Sauce

  • 1/2 Cup Vegan Sour Cream
  • 3 Tablespoons of Nutritional Yeast
  • 3 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
  • 1 Teaspoon Margarine
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Turmeric
  • 1 Teaspoon Braggs

Other Ingredients

See Also

  • 4 English Muffins
  • 1 Cup Raw Spinach
  • 1 Avocado (sliced)
  • 6 Pieces Tempeh Bacon
  • Paprika to dash across the top
  • Olive Oil for cooking (around 2 tablespoons)
  • Dash of Liquid Smoke

Heat oven to 400.

Make the Cheese Sauce from the Mac and Cheese recipe.With warm water rinse your Flavor Injector. Fill your injector with Cheese Sauce. Take your Tofu and one at a time, slowly stick the injector in the center of one of the shorter sides of the rectangle. Make sure it doesn’t go in to far. You don’t want to pierce one of the sides. Then – this is key – gently move the Tofu back and forth. Don’t move the needle – it will tear a big hole on the outside of the tofu. But if you move the Tofu, it creates a pocket in the tofu while keeping the injection spot as small as possible. Fill all 4 Tofu Pieces. On a lined cookie sheet, bake the Tofu for 20 minutes or until it is a golden brown. At 10 minutes, Flip the Tofu to make sure both sides get brown. Some of the Cheese Sauce will pour out. Don’t worry about that. When you pull it out – right before you put it on the dish – slowly inject more Cheese Sauce. You’re going to want to inject so much the Tofu looks like it might burst. That’s why you go slow so you can watch it.  While the Tofu is baking, make your Fake Bacon and other parts of the dish. In your beloved little cast iron skillet, cook the Tempeh Bacon in some Olive Oil and Liquid Smoke. In a small sauce pan, mix all the Hollandaise sauce ingredients with a whisk over a low heat.
(this will thicken pretty fast so don’t prepare until you are almost ready to make up the dish) Toast the English Muffins.  Stack the dish like so : 1 half of an English Muffin, desired amount of Spinach, Bacon, Avocado, “Poached Egg” and then pour the desired amount of Hollandaise sauce over the top. Throw a dash of Paprika on there to top her off. This recipe should make 4 servings.