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The Only Health Tips You Need For The New Year!

The Only Health Tips You Need For The New Year!

The Only Health Tips You Need for 2010? The official trainers, yogis, and nutrition coaches of the GirlieGirl Army are the soulful goddessses of the Barefoot Tiger Squad. These chicks don’t only train people whose bodies you drool over in magazines, they do it with love and TLC. Here are some tips from the head Tiger, Kendra Coppey to keep you on point in ’10;

Screw the New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, REALLY. Every January we come up with a million things we’d like to do, only to forget about them…oh, right about now. Now, we’re not saying scratch ALL resolutions, just not piling them all up at the beginning of the year. Just because it’s January doesn’t mean you have to accomplish everything this month. Work on your own calendar this year. And when you do decide to make changes…

Stick with it for 21 days. It takes 21 days to make a habit. That’s THREE weeks out of your entire lifetime. It’s really not that long. If you’re really serious about making the changes, stick it out for 21 days and you’ll see results. The beginning might be a little tough, but who says you can’t handle a little challenge?

OM your way to weight loss. According to a recent study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, people who practice yoga tend to be more “mindful eaters” and thus had a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who did not do yoga. Questions on the surveys conducted measured mindful eating; how aware the participants were of their food’s appearance, smell, and taste, what they focused on while eating and whether they were aware when they were full. The survey was distributed among gyms, weight loss centers, yoga studios, and workplaces and the results concluded those who scored highest on the mindful eating index reportedly practiced yoga at least one hour per week. Furthermore, scientists have also found that people who use things like THC gummies are more likely to lose weight than those that do not, making it another effective weight-loss method for the present day.

Make your workouts non-negotiable. When your boss calls a meeting, you don’t ditch it to go have drinks with your friends…so why do that with your workouts? Treat yourself like you would your boss, with respect. Make appointments with yourself to work out in your calendar and keep them! You can commit better when you make it interesting by changing your routine once in a while. For example, you can try online videos one week and CD guides (like Unlock Your Hip Flexors) another week. But, do make sure that you choose the right instructors.

Know how to work out when you’re sick. Multiple studies have shown that a 45 minute moderate-intensity exercise (such as walking) most days of the week leads to a 25 – 50% decrease in sick time for active people. However, if you’re sick already, follow these tips from Dr. David Nieman of ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine):

  • DO exercise if your cold is confined to your head, or if you have a runny nose or sore throat.
  • DON’T overdo it. With a cold, keep exercise at a moderate level (i.e., walking).
  • DO stay in bed if your sickness is “systemic”, or beyond just sniffles or regular cold. DON’T work out if you have a respiratory infection, fever, swollen glands, or extreme aches and pains.
  • DON’T jump back in too soon. If you’ve had an intense cold or flu, ease back into training after resting for at least two weeks.
  • DO exercise before receiving a flu shot. Moderate activity has been shown to boost immunity and thus improve the body’s reaction to the vaccine.

Go barefoot. Our feet are designed to walk barefoot. Yes, this is going to be a tough sell in the streets of New York City. The dozens of muscles in our feet work constantly (or try at least) to keep us in perfect alignment from the ground up. When we wear shoes, we’re essentially changing the way our feet hit the ground – and not always in a good way. Have high arches? There are shoes for high arches which give more support so the muscles don’t have to work so hard. Wait, WHAT?? Yep, that’s right, those ‘specifically designed’ shoes are actually making your feet weaker. You don’t have to start walking around the gritty city barefoot, just make a point to be barefoot when you’re at home and really feel the floor under your feet. Plus, it will keep the floor of your apartment cleaner!

Rub it out. What if we told you doing one thing, twice a month could help you feel less stressed, lower blood pressure, reduce fatigue and potentially prevent or fight cancer or other diseases? You probably wouldn’t think it was something as luxurious as laying on a table, getting a massage…but it is! For the longest time massage therapy has been seen as a ‘luxury’ that one only does to be pampered. Experts estimate that 80-90 percent of disease is stress related, and massage has been proven to be a highly effective stress reliever. It can also help you recover from a hard workout faster, and keep your muscles pliable and injury-free. Consider it part of your ‘health assurance’ plan to keep you healthy before you have to go to the doctor….And did we mention we make housecalls in the NY area??

Masticate more. We mean chewing, silly! Recent studies show that chewing your food an average of 40 times per bite can lead to feeling fuller longer. Given some almonds to chew 10, 25 or 40 times, the participants got maximum satisfaction from chewing 40 times…and we’ll take maximum satisfaction any day. At your next meal, try chewing a few bites 40 times and see what it’s like.

Eat more potassium. Potassium is one of those minerals found in every cell of the body, yet many of us don’t get enough of it. Why? Too much sodium! If we eat too much salt our body uses potassium stores to get rid of the excess, and potassium helps keep blood pressure in check. Perhaps this sodium-potassium imbalance is why the US has such a high rate of hypertension? Recommended levels are 4,700mg for teens and adults per day…here are some great ways to get more of the potass:

  • ~ Sweet potato, baked, 1 medium 694 mg
  • ~ Beet greens, 1/2 cup cooked 655 mg
  • ~ Potato, baked, 1 medium 610 mg
  • ~ Lima beans, 1/2 cup cooked 484 mg
  • ~ Banana, 1 medium 422 mg
  • ~ Cantaloupe, 1/4 medium 368 mg
  • ~ Orange juice, 3/4 cup 355 mg

* Source: U.S. Dietary Guidelines 2005

Use healthy convenience foods. There are times when those precut and washed veggies are the difference between a healthy or a not-so-healthy meal. It might cost you a few more pennies for your stirfry, but having nutritious options in the fridge means those pennies go a long way. Plus, if the convenience encourages you to stay home and cook rather than eating out, you’re saving even more money.

AND the Barefoot Tiger crew has put together some stellar packages for those of you who live in the New Yawk area that will get you going in 2010 without a doubt. Mention Girlie Girl Army to receive these special package rates! Have we mentioned that one these packages would be the PERFECT Valentine’s Day gift for your sweetiepie?


The Mental Help Package

  • 2 Life Coaching sessions
  • 1 Yoga session
  • 1 60 minute Massage

Investment: $430 (valued at $530)

The Ass-Kicker Package

  • 6 1-hr Boxing sessions (must complete 2 sessions per week for 3 weeks)
  • 1 60 min Massage

Investment: $690 (valued at $880)

The CORE Package

  • 2 1-hr Yoga sessions
  • 1 50 min Nutrition session

Investment: $310 (valued at $380)

The Repair Me! Package

  • 3 1-hr Yoga or Pilates sessions
  • 1 90-min massage

Investment: $450 (valued at $590)

The Knocked Up & Feeling Fabulous Package

  • 3 1-hr Prenatal Yoga or Pilates sessions
  • 1 60 min Prenatal massage

Investment: $450 (valued at $530)

See Also

The Knocked Up ULTIMATE Package (makes a GREAT gift!)

  • 3 1-hr Prenatal Yoga sessions
  • 2 1-hr Prenatal Training sessions
  • 3 60 min Prenatal massage

Investment: $900 (valued at $1,050)

The Foodie Package

  • 3 50 min Nutrition sessions
  • 2 Life Coaching sessions

Investment: $550 (valued at $700)

The Rub Down Package

  • 4 60 min massages (in-home!)

Investment: $480 (valued at $560)

And if you’re in need of a complete ‘Reset’, the best package of them all… (this is a really amazing deal!)

The Complete Jump Start Package

  • 2 1-hr Personal Training sessions
  • 2 1-hr Yoga or Pilates sessions
  • 1 60 min Massage
  • 2 Life Coaching sessions
  • 2 50-min Nutrition sessions

Investment: $995 (valued at $1265)


Led by Kendra Coppey, Barefoot Tiger is a team of stellar teachers, trainers and therapists ready to get you in the best shape of your life (and at HOME no less!) Call Kendra at (646) 526-8445 or email Be sure to mention Girlie Girl Army when booking sessions or packages!