Don’t just enjoy your desserts – get slimmer, stronger, and healthier from them! Raw chocolate (or cacao) is the ultimate food source for Vitamin C, Chromium, Magnesium, Iron, stimulating brain function, supporting the function of the heart, the reproductive organs and more! If that isn’t enough to have you running to the health food store to grab a few ingredients that may be new to you, here are a few more reasons on why this organic, vegan cacao based dessert will have you asking it to marrry you:
- Coconuts aid in weight loss! They are anti bacterial and anti fungal, improve cholesterol levels, increase your metabolism, help sluggish thyroids, and boost your energy!
- Yacon is high in antioxidants, supports digestion and acts as a prebiotic that helps with the absorption of calcium and vitamins. It is high in minerals such as potassium, and although sweet, is dramatically less glycemic than any other natural sweetener.
- Lucuma is an exotic Peruvian fruit that is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals such as B3 and Iron.
- Irish Moss is a seaweed that is used as a thickening agent. It is highly mineralized and is amazing in soothing the entire gastrointestinal track!
- Cinnamon is a bark that is great in flavor and helps regulate the blood sugar and is known to stimulate cognitive function and memory. In addition it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage.
La Creme du Chocolate Superfoods Dessert Recipe
- Meat of 2 Young Coconuts
- Water of 1 Young Coconut (place the water of 2nd coconut to the side)
- 1/4 Cup Raw Cacao Powder
- 4 TBL Raw Yacon Powder
- 4 TBL Raw Lacuma Powder
- 4 TBL Irish Moss
- 1 TBL Raw Vanilla Bean Powder
- 1 Tsp Cinnamon
- Pinch Sea Salt
- Stevia Liquid Extract to taste
- Organic Quartered Strawberries
- Organic Mint Leaves
How to Prepare:
Place coconut meat and first portion of coconut water in Vita-Mix. Add the rest of the ingredients and with plunger begin to blend. Slowly add water of second coconut to bring to creamy consistency… blend until smooth with texture of a creme. Serve in favorite glass and garnish with strawberries & mint leaves. Let chill in fridge for 20-30 minutes and enjoy!
Additional options for PARFAIT: Separately blend meat of two young coconuts adding coconut water slowly getting a smooth creamy texture. Add ground vanilla bean powder. 1st Layer Le Chocolate Creme du Superfoods, 2nd Layer Vanilla Coconut Creme, 3rd Layer quartered organic strawberries, and begin again with Le Creme du Chocolate until glass is filled to the brim! Garnish, chill, and enjoy!!!
Guest Blogger Gabrielle Brick has been living the raw super food lifestyle for over 7 years. She has studied, worked, and co-created with the leading authorities in optimal nutrition with over 15 years in health and vitality. She teaches internationally on the benefits of optimal nutrition, including seminars, private & group consultations, retreats and academic presentations. Gabrielle was also featured recently on E! as the go-to on raw nutrition. The GirlieGirl Army can’t live without her handmade, organic, raw, perfect chocolate bars. Buy them, book private nutritional sessions, and learn more about raw living here.