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La Dolce Vegan Strikes Again!

La Dolce Vegan Strikes Again!

Sarah Kramer is one hot mama.

From posing perfectly in the cutest pin-up outfits ever – to writing best selling cookbooks; How It All Vegan, The Garden of Vegan and La Dolce Vegan – Sarah Kramer doesn’t stop moving. Oh, did we mention she’s also a photographer, owns/runs Canadian Tattoo shop; The Tattoo Zoo with her husband Gerry Kramer, and also runs a popular vegan website/blog at   How does she find time to pull on her fishnets one leg at a time?   Well, she also found a second to chat with our sweet eco asses, as she promotes her newest book Vegan-a-Go-Go, and here’s what she said;


GIRLIEGIRL ARMY: Tell us the titles of each of your books, each name is cuter than the next.

SARAH KRAMER: My first book was How It All Vegan that I wrote with my writing partner Tanya in 1999. Our second release was The Garden of Vegan and I followed that with my solo book La Dolce Vegan in 2005. My latest book (that just hit book shelves) is Vegan A Gogo.

GGA: Do you specifically recommend certain books to certain types of peeps?

SK: How It All Vegan is a great book for newbies to veganism. The Garden of Vegan is great for when you feel more comfortable in your vegan lifestyle, and you want to do a little experimenting. La Dolce Vegan is great for when you are busy. Almost all the recipes in the book can be made in under 30 minutes with easy to find ingredients. Vegan A Gogo is a mini-book. It will fit in your back pocket and is a compilation of recipes from the first 3 books as well as 20 new recipes. I wrote this book so when you hit the road you have a travel size cookbook to take with you that won’t weigh down your bag.

GGA: On your journeys promoting your books on the road, what is the one thing you never leave home without?

SK: There are many things I like to bring with me when I travel, but I would never go anywhere without my Neti Pot.

GGA:   Oh yea, Neti Pot’s are the bomb diggity.   My Fiance is covered in ink, I’ve got a couple of tats, and I know you are covered and own a Tattoo shop… why do you think so many of us vegans have ink.. what do you think the connection is?   Is it that all fringe movements end up conjoining somehow?

SK:I own Tattoo Zoo with my husband Gerry here in Victoria BC and while there are a lot of vegans and alternative people with tattoos you would be surprised by how many “straight” people have tattoos. Gerry tattoos police officers, doctors, lawyers, nurses. You never know what’s under a suit and tie!

GGA:   For those of our readers still intimidated by veganism, and cooking — what are some of your favorite go-to simple dishes to throw together?

SK:Veganism can be daunting and like any thing in life you make a commitment to – it takes work, patience and a positive attitude. My advice is instead of focusing on the things you CAN’T have as a vegan … focus on the things you CAN. And get yourself some good vegan books to help you on your journey. Start with some fun cookbooks, read Vegan Freak and Becoming Vegan. The more you know, the easier a vegan lifestyle becomes. As for one of my favourite recipes… that’s a tough one to answer. But if I’m looking for something that is quick, easy and yummy I make the Fresh and Fancy Raw Slaw on page 49 of Vegan A Gogo. It’s so simple. All you need is a grater and 5 minutes later you’re eating. Yum.


  • 1 large carrot, grated
  • 1 large apple, grated
  • 1 cup sweet potatoes (or yams), grated
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 1/4 cup walnuts (or pecans), chopped
  • 1-2 tbsp oil (ex: flax, hemp, etc)

In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients. Toss well and serve. Makes 2 large or 4 small servings.


GGA: What is your favorite “Go Green” tip for our glam green readers?

SK: Well going vegan is the first thing you can do to “go green”. Animal agriculture causes the vast majority of global warming. My other “green” tip would to be to be conscious of where you spend your money. Your money is a powerful weapon and where you spend it speaks volumes. Support locally owned businesses and spend your hard earned cash supporting companies that are trying to make a difference. Your money is powerful and at times it can be louder than your voice.

GGA: What advice do you have for folks who want to do more for the animals, but don’t know where to start?

SK: Educate yourself. Read a book. Watch a movie. Find a website. Knowledge is powerful and once you understand what you’re fighting for – find a way to support your vegan community. Whether it’s protesting or volunteering or educating others. Find what works best for you and follow your passion.

GGA: There are so many fabulous new vegan bag and shoe lines (see our list here) – what is your current favorite pair of shoes (or bag)?

SK: I love, love, love – did I say love? – Dungaree Dolly’s bags. They are so cute and sassy and extremely well made. Dolly makes each bag with a little love.   As for shoes. I love shopping at I also love

See Also

GGA: Where can we next see you live? (Here you can promo any upcoming appearances or dates you have, as well as your website, myspace, facebook, etc etc)

SK: For more information on me and the books you can visit my website at I’m also on MySpace and facebook. I am about to leave on a book tour to promote VAGG and my dates are below. I hope some of you can come out and hang with me;


Regina – Friday, October 24 Book launch for Vegan a GoGo Hotel Saskatchewan 2125 Victoria Avenue 7:30 pm

Winnipeg – Monday, October 27 Dandielion Eatery 230 Osborne Street at Confusion Corner 6:30 pm

Toronto – Wednesday, October 29 Left Feet and Heart on Your Sleeve 7:00 pm 88 Nassau Street


Boston – Saturday, November 1 Boston Vegetarian Food Festival Travel Tips and Q&A with Sarah Kramer 10:45 am Reggie Lewis Athletic Center 1350 Tremont Street

Washington, DC – Monday, November 3 Vegan a GoGo Book Bash and & Benefit for Compassion over Killing 7:00 – 9:00 pm The Science Club in downtown DC 1136 19th Street NW *You need to buy a ticket for this event*

New York – Thursday, November 6 78 Orchard Street 7:00 pm

all photos via the author