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The One Pool Product That May Save Your Child’s Life This Summer

The One Pool Product That May Save Your Child’s Life This Summer

The One Pool Product That May Save Your Child's Life This Summer

​​I have this huge fear of my kids drowning. Even before we had a pool I had nightmares and bath time always gave me anxiety even though I was always right there. So when we bought a house a year ago with a 12ft deep, 40,000 gallon pool, I had a panic attack on night three and couldn’t sleep. (Loved the house, had no desire for the pool honestly.)

So at 3am, my husband wiped away my tears and said do some research and get whatever you need to give you some peace of mind.

Did you know pool alarms are a thing? The kind that floats in your pool and picks up on anything that falls in your pool and sounds an alarm in your home?

I had NO idea until I started researching and figuring out my options.

And guess what? My POOL serviceman had no idea this was even a thing. This particular alarm sounds if anything heavier than 16 lbs falls in the pool. (A child, animal, late night intruder.)

Lifebuoy Pool Alarm System - Pool Motion Sensor - Smart Pool Alarm That is Application Controlled. Powerful Sirens Blare at Poolside and Indoors, $249
Lifebuoy Pool Alarm System – Pool Motion Sensor – Smart Pool Alarm That is Application Controlled. Powerful Sirens Blare at Poolside and Indoors, $249

(looks like the Lifebuoy is currently out of stock – here are some other well reviewed options:)

Too often, the stories of children drowning began with, I took my eyes off of them for 3 minutes. In three minutes, your world can be destroyed.

If you are like me and need added peace of mind, I HIGHLY recommend a floating pool alarm. Inform yourself, and make educated decisions – but most importantly, protect your babies. Swim lessons, protective fences, and alarms are just a few measures that can keep your family safe.

See Also

We chose this LifeBuoy Pool Alarm but there are others. If this interests you, do some research and see what fits best for your family!


Amber Kennison is a mom of 5 children with a degree in education and founder of the nonprofit The Ultimate Prom experience.  (That’s her pool above.)