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gDiapers Launches ‘Love Me’ Collection

gDiapers Launches ‘Love Me’ Collection

From the moment we are born we all want, and need, to be loved. But for families battling hunger, poverty and disease, it can be a struggle to provide that need, which hinders babies’ ability to thrive. A portion of each sale of the specially-designed Love Me gPants and tee will benefit Hands to Hearts International, an organization recognized by the Fetzer Institute as an “an exemplar of love”. Hands to Hearts International is improving the health and development of vulnerable children by training caregivers in early childhood development and nurturing parenting skills. It is through their efforts that love is flourishing in the world’s most volatile regions, and babies who once were at risk, are now thriving.

gDiapers Launches ‘Love Me’ Collection

love gDiaper, $21
love gDiaper, $21

Love Me gPants are available at, Lil Tulips, Worn With Luv, and Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique. Shop the whole collection at

Created to benefit its Portland neighbors and international activists Hands to Hearts International (HHI), gDiapers will donate a portion of proceeds from the purchase of Love Me gPants and tees to support HHI’s life-changing work. To date, Hands to Hearts International has trained more than 40,000 caregivers in early childhood development and nurturing parenting skills, positively impacting more than 134,000 babies internationally Through a purchase of Love Me products, gDiapers’ customers will provide funds to directly support the expansion of trainings in some of the world’s most volatile places.

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Now THAT is a Valentine worth discussing.

love me g shirt, $19.99
love me g shirt, $19.99

love me g tee, $24.95
love me g tee, $24.95