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Pump ’em If You Got ’em: Breastfeeding Makes For Smarter Babies

Pump ’em If You Got ’em: Breastfeeding Makes For Smarter Babies

Warning: We feel preachy about breastfeeding today, so you are gonna feel it in this mini-rant:

Why is it that breastfeeding has become a neutral “choice” for women, like.. “It’s just not for me.” How does that makes sense? If breastfeeding isn’t for you, maybe having a baby isn’t for you? And we want to know.. ladies who say that.. why do you think it isn’t for you? Is it the closeness to your baby that bugs you? The intimacy? The health benefits?

If you have a baby.. and you can (acknowledging the woman who cannot produce milk or the adoptive parent in this argument who clearly isn’t the source of our hexation) – then you damn well should.  Why? Because it’s optimal, it’s the perfect food for baby, and it simply makes happier, smarter, more well adjusted babies.  You had a baby, your boobs are there for food.. for your baby. We’ve gotten so backwards that boobs have become sexual items and not what they really are which are feeding mechanisms! And this whole “oh, I breastfed for 6 weeks” – Mama you can do better! We are here to support you (as are thousands of lactation consultants worldwide!) to keep you going for two years.  Here’s the timeline of a breastfed baby.

Yea, we said it.  Two years is just what the doctor ordered.  Longer if you can. Pump ’em if you got ’em, girls.

Here are some factoids:

See Also

The Benefits of BreastfeedingPIN IT

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Learn more about the benefits of breastfeeding.