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Daddy Dearest: Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Daddy Dearest: Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Most of us like to treat Dad right all year long, but with busy schedules a lot of time may have passed since you really took the time to truly honor him for whatever contribution he’s made to your life. Father’s Day is his time to be the center of attention, and try not to get too annoyed when he, once again, asks you what you’re going to do with your life or when you are going to give him Grandchildren.

Here are some fabulously earth friendly gifts for the Dad who might not always understand the importance of your eco lifestyle, or maybe for the one who taught you all you know about treating Mama Earth right. Either way, they are sure to make him forget all about that tattoo you “forgot” to tell him about.


For The Eco-Retiree:

Your dad’s the one whose replaced the office cubicle with a sprawling green, or just calls out “sick” to hit a few with his buddies. These Eco-Friendly Golf Balls are made from completely renewable material that can be sent back for recycling will make up for all the ones he accidentally dinged off the golf-cart. And these eco golf tees that biodegrade after 60 days will stop dad from adding waste to the planet one lost tee at a time.


For those of you worried that pops has put on somepoundage since spending all day at the country club, give him a copy of Skinny Bastard. This book is sure to take him from a baggy to buff, ’cause wanting to look good isn’t only for us bitches.


If he’s on the hipper side of retired, he’ll feel young again in the totally green Men’s Macbeth Schubert sneaker.   A collaboration between Macbeth Shoes and Mike Dirnt from Green Day, the vegan Schubert features a canvas upper, vulcanized construction, and a rubber sole.


And while he’s rockin those sneaks and knee deep in his midlife crisis, encourage him to buy an electric powered motorcycle so you can take it for a spin.


For The Green Gardening Dad:

Your dad’s the one out there measuring the lawn with a ruler and screaming at neighborhood kids and pets that even dare step foot on his precious grass. Get him a battery powered mower and make his lawn the greenest on the block. Literally.


And if 400 big ones is just a little too much moolah, downsize, try a battery-powered hedge trimmer for $100. It’s equally as earth friendly, and maybe dad will pick up a new hobby a la Edward Scissor Hands…hedge art anyone?

Plus give him something breezy to wear, like an organic tee, while he tackles the yard work. These things are so light and airy dad will hardly protest when you tell him to put it on instead of going shirtless and showing off his middle age spread.


For Daddy Warbucks:

Wealthy men sure can be delusional. Your dad’s the guy who thinks he can still squeeze his ass into that old pair of bell-bottom jeans, wears silver rings, and spends hours in the bathroom trimming his nose hair. Make his morning routine more earth friendly, and maybe Mom won’t mind so much that he’s constantly swiping her hair dryer.

Try giving him a Solar Shaver. All he has to do is leave it in the sun to charge, and then he can shave away that mustache before he starts looking like a creep.


Or maybe some Recycled Cufflinks made from old typewriter keys that he can show off at the next Riverkeeper Gala he goes to, “My Daughter is VERY green.   Look at these recycled cuffs she bought me!”


Even better make his secret dream to look like George Clooney come true with this totally natural and vegan Daddyo shampoo, specially made for those silver foxes out there.


See Also

This solar powered watch will make your jet setting old man always knows the time whether he’s in NYC or Japan, and he’ll never have to stop to replace the battery.


For The Sensitive Softy:

Your dad’s the one with a scrapbook full of homemade cards you made him from the time you could hold a crayon and draw a stick figure. He’s the Stephen Spielberg wannabe who was always there with his video camera documenting everything from dance recitals and soccer games, to your senior prom (yikes). Mr. Sentimental might burst into tears when he gets a load of these uber thoughtful gifts.

Empty a mason jar, cut 100 strips of paper, and write (on each one) one thing you love about Dad, or are grateful for.   Tie a ribbon around it.   Ouila; insta-tears!

Show dad that you care enough about him so much that you are willing to add some beauty to mother nature in his name and plant a tree in his honor.


He tries to bop his head when you put on your Moldy Peaches CD, why not go old school and make him a mix CD, with a sweet photo of the two of you as the cover sleeve?   Mix it up with new music you love, and oldies he’ll heart.


Or show him your kitchen prowess and make him breakfast in bed to give his day a deliciously healthy kick. Warning: the grilled citrus tofu skewers may make him drool all over his bed sheets.


And if you seriously can’t muscle up any creativity, cooking skills or cash just give dad some good ol’ fashioned recognition. After all he is responsible for your entire existence.