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10 Really Good Reasons To Donate Cash To Your Favorite Blogger

10 Really Good Reasons To Donate Cash To Your Favorite Blogger

We’re sending a little love this week to those who make things that make the world more lovely: the writers, artists, experts, and out of the box wordsmiths who make our daily lives just a little bit better with their daily posts, blogs, and social media feeds. Bet you never thought about why you should donate to your favorite bloggers? $5 a month on patreon or other crowdfunding platform may be nothing to you, but it’s everything to them/ us! We so appreciate our own monthly donors on Patreon, and we know our fellow website owners feels the same way. These few dollars add up and keep us online! was around before every young girl had a “wellness blog” – 25 years to be exact! We hope you take that into account when you show us the love. Doesn’t entertainment, information, and aggregation count for anything? If you’re anything like us – you may spend at least 5 hours a week thumbing through sites just like this one every week. These sites need to pay fees to stay active, and your few dollars here and there make all the difference in the world. Your donation could help your favorite blogger do something they’ve been wanting to for a while but couldn’t, such as acquire the services of an experienced web designer from somewhere like The Web Designer Cardiff ( to revamp and refine their website, make it visually more appealing and accessible to you, the reader!

Before we get into the vegan meat of this article, here’s our hard sell ask to donate a few dollars to keep us up and running.


Speaking from our own experiences, we’ve read blogs that have changed our minds, saved our life, made us cry, made our day.. and so much more. Why should these sharers of truth and joy not be rewarded unless they have 1 million Instagram followers? Food for thought, eh?

We loved this piece from Patreon this week, and thought we’d share for our fellow bloggers;


We know it’s a big undertaking; we know creativity takes courage.

See Also

Today we’re sharing 10 tips we love giving creators to help you reach your goals.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

  1. You are worth it. It’s totally okay for you to attach a value to your work.
  2. Don’t believe it? We get that. Imposter syndrome is completely normal, and fellow creators have tips on how to combat it.
  3. If you’re feeling stuck and want to shake things up with your Patreon, you should! Experimenting with your Patreon page and promotion tactics is a good thing, and our Data Science expert has facts and stats to prove it.
  4. Still, one of the best ways to garner new patrons is to talk about your Patreon. There are many ways to share your Patreon with your community without feeling like you’re just asking for money. Here are 7 ideas to get you started.
  5. Want some more help to take your Patreon (or other crowdfunding platform) to the next level? We have a whole Creator Success team dedicated to you and your success! Register for their free, live (and recorded!) workshops to learn new ways to grow your business.
  6. In fact, this month the Creator Success team is determined to empower you to revamp your benefits, which can significantly boost your Patreon earnings. By re-invigorating your benefits and re-launching your page, you can improve patron and fan engagement, grow your earnings, and set yourself up for sustainability and success online.
  7. Another way to boost your earnings (and your patron count) is to run a Special Offer. And, good news! Pro​​moting it doesn’t have to be hard. Check out these six ideas.
  8. Want more tips like these? Our Creator Toolkit is a great resource to ensure you’re up to date on best practices.
  9. But while we have your attention, please know your fans adore you, and it’s okay to leverage their love. In fact, building a community can really impact your longevity and success as a creator.
  10. And, lastly, if you’re heading to Austin for SXSW, you should come visit us at the House of Creativity. We’d love to see you there.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for creating. Thank you for making the world a more lovely place.


images and text via Patreon