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We’ve Been Saving Real Money Using This Web Browser Extension

We’ve Been Saving Real Money Using This Web Browser Extension

Do you ever wish your computer would automatically find and apply coupon codes when you shop online, and then reward you for it? Look no further, I’ve discovered Honey. This free extension for your web browser immediately detects if the product you are about to buy can be found at a lower price, and then links you to it. I’ve already saved serious money using this extension when it automatically pings me on my amazon purchases that there is a lower price available on the product/s I’m purchasing. Where I’ve been using it the most is on amazon, the price you see on Amazon isn’t always the best price. Honey automatically looks for a lower price from all Amazon sellers and finds you the best deal, every time.

We've been saving REAL money using this browser extension
We’ve been saving REAL money using this browser extension

On top of saving cash, you also get an extra cash bonus for products you’re already buying. You can get anywhere from 0-100% back from your purchase. Honey gets a commission of the sale and splits that with you, literally passing you the savings. The Cash Bonus (that’s available to you around 60 days later) is available at thousands of stores, like Target, and Groupon. Look for this icon ‘‘ next to a store name. Click on the Honey button during checkout and Honey will automatically apply coupon codes to your shopping cart. Click on the Honey button on a supported online store and instantly see all the coupons and sales available for the store. It’s worth noting that not all sites are supported by Honey, meaning that to maximize your online shopping savings, consulting different promo code and savings like Yippee Coupons can prove beneficial.

This real time reviewer says;

I’ve been using Honey for a year or so now, and it is my go to for saving money.

Two reasons:

#1 – More often than not, it finds me coupons that I didn’t know about or better than ones that I’ve found myself.

#2 – Honey Gold. I just used $30 of Honey Gold that I accumulated from my purchases using their plug in. I bought a Groupon for Pei Wei food with my gift card balance and a home security camera with my Amazon Gift Card money. The camera cost me $9 bucks!

See Also

How much better does it get than that? I shop, they find me coupons and save me money and I get points which accumulate into actual cashola I can use at Groupon or Amazon. If you’re using Amazon, it might be a good idea to couple Honey with another extension like Amazon Discount Assistant to maximize your chance of landing the big discounts. I can’t say enough about how much I love this plug in!!! And NO….no one is paying me to say this. I’m just a regular gal trying to save a buck here and there.


Lastly, If you’re interested in saving money on your utilities, my friend recently changed his broadband provider through Usave and was so happy with the savings he made. If you’re interested to do the same, look here.