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It Takes A Real Man To Invest

It Takes A Real Man To Invest

Why You Need This Investing App

Women don’t invest enough. It takes a real man to invest, after all. A real man who is over 60, wears a suit and tie, charges over 1% of your money a year plus lots of hidden fees. You need him, though, because investing is really complicated, and you wouldn’t understand any of it. See this 30 page report with charts and investment names like Core Asset International Index, blah blah blah? Told you…

That’s the kind of outdated thinking that’s kept a lot of women from investing. And low-income families. And people under 30. All told, 52% of American’s don’t invest. That stinks because while markets have their fair share of risk, they’ve tended to grow about 10% a year over the last hundred years or so. The problem is, people think of investing as confusing, expensive, and un-relatable. You can thank the old men in suits for that. It is high time we change that notion and make some decisions for the betterment of the coming generations. Whether it is a cryptocurrency, stocks, or property, research and knowledge about any potential investment are important. If you are looking to invest in Bitcoin or Ethereum, online resources, and blogs about the crypto exchanges in Australia, the USA, and other countries could be a good place to start to know more about the same.

But it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. Look around you. Want a ride? There’s uber. Want dinner? Seamless. Want to share the check? Venmo. This week, an iOS app called Stash launched, on a mission to help everyone invest. It actually was inspired by the weight loss industry. You can start small – with as little as $5, and the app guides you with milestones and recommendations. There’s no confusing investment jargon – you invest in things you believe in, like “Clean and Green” companies that produce clean energy, “Equality Works” like LGBT friendly companies, or things you experience, like “Internet Titans” – leading companies that make most of their revenue online. Plus it’s social, so you’re not it alone – though you don’t share anything sensitive with friends, like how much you invest. 50,000 people signed up on a waiting list to get the app, and they’re starting to download it this week.

Give it a try!

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