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NYC: Comedy (For Karma) With Olivia Munn

NYC: Comedy (For Karma) With Olivia Munn

THE 4th ANNUAL COMEDY FOR KARMA: A comedy benefit for the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary is in New York next week.

Laughter, booze, hotties, and supporting a unbelievable organization? Check.

When: Tuesday, April 5th, 8:00pm / doors 7:30pm

Where: Gotham Comedy Club 208 West 23rd Street between 7th & 8th Avenues New York City

What: For the 4th year in row, the funny farm is back with their fabulously hip comedy benefit at the Gotham Comedy Club in NYC.


Featuring celebrity comedians….

  • John Oliver (The Daily Show correspondent)
  • Wyatt Cenac (The Daily Show correspondent)
  • Gary Gulman (2004 Last Comic Standing finalist, late night show appearances)
  • Myq Kaplan (2010 Last Comic Stand ing final ist, late night show appearances)
  • Jamie Kilstein (Showtime’s The Green Room, late night show appearances)

Olivia Munn (The Daily Show, NBC’s Perfect Couples) and Dan Piraro (nationally syndicated cartoon Bizarro) will emcee!

See Also

The funds raised will go directly to the care of over 200 rescued farm animals at the sanctuary and the advocacy work of WFAS. General admission tickets are $40 advance / $50 door, and reserved-seating VIP tickets are $75 (includes WFAS t-shirt!). Visit or call 845-679-5955 to purchase tickets.


Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit organization and shelter that works to end the systematic abuse of animals used for food. At the heart of our mission is the hands-on work of rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for farm animal refugees — as well as educating the public about the horrific treatment of animals who are raised in factory farm systems. Please visit WFAS in Woodstock, NY during our hours of operation: Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., April thru October. Visit for more information or call 845-679-5955.