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Natural Alternatives For Allergy And Asthma Sufferers

Natural Alternatives For Allergy And Asthma Sufferers

Allergy and asthma sufferers looking for natural alternatives to combat uncomfortable symptoms and decrease trips to the pharmacy can simply increase trips to the vegetable section of their grocer – food is medicine after all.  Other than the best foods to eat to get you sniffle free, Dr.  Brian Clement shares his get tissue-free-fast tips;

Stock up on:

  • Celeriac roots; High sodium and mineral content also act as an antiseptic and help to reduce allergic reaction.
  • Crimini Mushrooms, Spinach and Pumpkin seeds; these items are high in zinc and will help to make your immunity stronger to combat allergens.
  • Chinese Bean Sprouts (Mung Beans) and Hikama Roots have a range of nutritional benefits that stimulate the immune system, including high values of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron and manganese.
  • All Leafy green vegetables will increase oxygen levels in your blood, prevent anemia and boost your overall immune system.   Particularly; Kale, spinach, collards, mustard, boc choy, beet, turnip greens, etc.

1-     Don’t buy the milk or the cow: Curb Asthma & Allergies symptoms by scaling back on dairy and meat products. These products trigger your body to make excess of phlegm that negatively impacts your immune system making the allergic symptoms worst.
2-     Pump it up – Daily: Exercise Strengthens the Body against Disease by increasing blood circulation which helps flush out bacteria, waste and unwanted toxins the body and even lungs.
3-     Keep it real: Skipping the processed products has been proven to decrease allergies and asthma.  Increase intake of raw and uncooked vegetables which contain essential nutrients needed by the cells in your body to build immunity against disease.
4-     The green scene: Make it a point to get fresh air and absorb vitamin D from the Sun to strengthen your bones. Additionally, spring cleaning is another measure to help purify your home/work environment from excess chemicals from heavy metals, dust, pet dander, mold and pollen that further aggravate the respiratory system.

See Also

Dr.  Brian Clement, PhD, NMD, LN, co-director of Hippocrates Health Institute, is author of seven books, including the bestseller Living Foods for Optimum Health. He has spent three decades researching and practicing nutrition, and has traveled to more than 40 countries conducting lectures, seminars and educational programs on nutrition and health. An informative, lively and thought-provoking interview, Dr. Clement has been featured in numerous media outlets across the globe, including: People Magazine, Woman’s Day, NBC and Univision. Hippocrates Health Institute uses raw vegan diets and other natural health tools to help people recover from both serious and crucial health challenges.