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Heel Condoms

Heel Condoms

Heel Condoms are “protection for our heels while making a fashion statement while  preventing damages to our beloved heels.” Sandrysabel Ortiz is the brain behind this new company.  A 25 year old Puerto Rican businesswoman, she wanted to take her closet of shoes in her suitcase on her travels, and that was when the Heel Condoms idea was born.

These sleeves for our heels allow women to have different shoes with just one pair as well as spicing up their everyday comfortable shoes or giving already damaged heels a new look.

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When we travel, we usually want to bring more than one pair of shoes! This problem is resolved by traveling with one basic pair of shoes and many Heel Condoms that match several outfits. When heels are damaged we usually end up donating them, but this problem could be resolved by adding a Heel Condom that protects the heel or covers your already damaged heel.  These accessories run from $10-$45, it is an economical way to give a new look to your exciting shoes. Thus, one pair of shoes and many possibilities.

Sandrysabel Ortiz

So it’s a brilliant idea.  The negative?  The styles are a little ‘dancing with the stars’ for our taste. We see cha-cha and not daaarling, if you know what we mean. Here’s hoping they will add some more understated chic options for the less flashy amongst us soon. Negative #2: We see that they previously used rabbit fur and feathers in prior collections.  We hope they get with the cruelty-free program and go animal free with their style choices.

What do you think? Would you wear these?