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Patricia Field Sells The Clothes Off Her Back

Patricia Field Sells The Clothes Off Her Back

Patricia Field, the costume designer of Sex and the City, and INA, the consignment store that held the infamous Sex and the City sale are joining forces to celebrate the opening of Pat’s new store on May 30th. On the same day, INA will be having a Patricia field moving sale selling pieces from Pat’s personal wardrobe acquired throughout her professional career, including items from Sex and the City and other projects.  It’s conflicting for us to promote this sale since we aren’t the biggest Pat Field fans (she wears and dresses folks in fur) – but this is a great opportunity to pick up some really juicy couture finds in the most eco-friendly and economical way possible AND Pat’s stores have always been a treasure trove for faux-leather and affordable glamazon gear (we haven’t seen real fur sold in the store, but we are sure it has happened in the past.)

Perhaps if Patricia is there, a few of you can hand her no fur pamphlets and teach her to have a heart.  If it suits your fancy, ignore the fur (even complain about any fur pieces to the staff if you have the vag) and buy up the cruelty-free pieces. Ina is a fabulous place to buy (and sell) high end gently worn clothes, it’s essentially the limousine of vintage shops.


Pat and Ina are longtime friends and collaborators, and Pat has frequented the INA stores for years purchasing great fashion from INA’s six New York City locations(Men’s and Women’s). The Patricia Field store is moving into what was Pat’s home on the Bowery, and will extend to Elizabeth Street with entrances on both streets. Ina and Pat spent many days editing Pat’s closets and drawers. The items she was ready to let go of will be for sale at INA Noho.

See Also

The Moving Sale will be held at INA Noho – 15 Bleecker St. at Elizabeth 11am-10pm Wednesday May30th. Select items will be for sale the website