GirlieGirl Army is thrilled to be sponsoring a very special event happening on April 21st from 11am – 2pm (Earth Day weekend) in New York City: The 2nd Annual Charity Clothing Swap to benefit HEART .
This isn’t an ordinary swap where a few tired looking items are thrown on a table and people make a mad dash through the rubble looking for anything in their size. As you can see from last years photos, attendees give their items to the sorters at the door, then go in to start perusing through the racks and tables (which are organized by style and size) like you would at a store.
If you buy your tickets in advance, you save some cash and pay $12 ($10 if you’re a student). Show up at the door and pay $15. As it says on the flier, you get to take home up to the number of items you bring. In other words, they will count your items at the door and give you a ticket with the total on it. You can take home as many as you brought.
All proceeds go to support HEART, an organization that teaches kids about human rights, animal protection and environmental ethics. They learn about issues like bullying, child labor, dog fighting, factory farming, pollution and so much more.
Last year one reviewer from One Earth wrote about the event, “After an hour of looking through the incredible assortment of clothing — everything from full-length dresses and suits to felt hats and sportswear — I settled on a pair of silver earrings, a couple of shirts, a pair of barely worn flats, and a belt. I overheard one woman on the phone saying, ‘I just traded 26 things that didn’t fit for 26 things that look great. Look who’s got a whole new wardrobe!'”
And did we mention that there will also be a vegan bake sale? So bring your sweet tooth.
We can’t think of a better way to celebrate earth day than swapping clothes, raising funds for humane education and snacking on sweet organic vegan treats.
Click here to purchase your ticket and hope to see you there!