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The Best Alternative to Fake Lashes

The Best Alternative to Fake Lashes

No time to apply faux lashes?   No problemo! Talika Lash Extender is our favorite go-to for lush lashes on the quick.   Simply brush on the product (made of teensy rayon fibers) after your first coat of mascara, apply another coat of mascara, and ouila!   Thick, juicy, and delicious lashes! After a brief dalliance with lash extensions (read all about it here), we found ourselves generally too lazy and simultaneously busy to keep up with the upkeep.   Still, we needed a back up plan for those last minute “Meet us for drinks in 20 minutes, and look gorgeous!” moments.

Talika Lash extender, $28.
Talika Lash extender, $28.

This product goes on like mascara and is basically tiny little hairy-looking things that attach to your mascara and totally bump up the thickness and length of your lashes in the most utterly natural looking way.   And yes, gals, Talika products are animal-product free and do not test on animals.  

Tip: Look downwards when applying the product to ensure no fibers fall into your pretty peepers. Then apply slowly and over the sink, as the little hairs have the potential to get all over the place if you aren’t careful.