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Weekly Faves: Love it!!!

Weekly Faves: Love it!!!


We get all excited about new things every single week.   Like shoes and food and books and music and nipple clamps.   Okay, JK on the last one, our nips are way too senstive for clampin’.   Save that for Jed.   Get your trigger finger ready to shop n’ forward.

  • These sexy-Pilgrim style vegan boots by Novacas are made from the highest quality Italian synthetic microfibers which do not contain any polyvinyl (put that in your green pipe and smoke it!). They are available in Brown and in Black at MooShoes and your sweet ass will get 10% off anything on the site with code “GirlieGirl10” at check out (or in store)!   Perfect basics for everything from work to slutty nights out.


  • This organic Sicilian Blood Orange Juice has just the right amount of bite.   Somewhere between a grapefruit juice and an orange juice; it just absolutely floats our delicious little boats.   It would be a sweet mixer for some vodka, but we have too much to do to be all boozey these days.     It’s just natural sugars from the blood oranges…no added sugars or sweeteners. The nutritional value to the juice is off the chain with it’s anti-oxidant power, and it’s organic.   Who could ask for anything more?   That’s amore!


  • A beautiful and heart-wrenching, but most of all uplifting tale of survival – A Rare Breed of Love by Jana Kohl is your next must read. Baby’s story will break your heart in a billion poodle pieces – and then piece it back together again with a few sweet licks.   Read this book and buy it for everyone in your posse.   Paris Hilton needs 20 copies asap, or at least a Cliff’s Note’s tattooed somewhere on her hand.     Jana Kohl is a woman to respect and listen to.   Not only did she write this wonderful book, she’s also a psychologist, and an animal welfare advocate. Having worked for the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies for many years, she has long been concerned with how cruelty becomes sanctioned by society. Kohl has testified before the Illinois State Legislature on the link between legalized violence against animals and interhuman violence. She has participated in numerous animal welfare campaigns, most notably to end the sale of foie gras in her hometown of Chicago, Illinois. Kohl currently resides on the West Coast with Baby and a cat named Kitty Pie, whom she also adopted.   We think she’s sweller than swell.

Watch the short video about Baby n’ her Mama here:

See Also

  • Maybe it’s just us, but as soon as the weather gets this chilly willy, we autofatically (we spelled that exactly as we meant to, Mr. Strunk n’ White!) gain 5 pounds.   Hell, make it ten and pour us another bagel!   Here’s comes Thansgiving and all our badonkadonk wants is “An elegant display of puff pastry filled with savory Native Seitan, Organic Kale, Portabello Mushrooms, Orange Glazed Yams, Fabulous Stuffing, Carmelized Onions, with Shallot Mushroom Gravy on the side.”   Jealous?   Step right up and buy the Wellington from Native Foods.   It comes frozen (delivers anywhere!!) and you bake it!   It’s   ready in 1 hour and you can fool your carcass eating relatives.   Order it online here.