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Buying Love Via Boots

Buying Love Via Boots

WALK N’ BID, BITCHES!!! It’s kind of like sit n’ spin… but the grown up version.


Money CAN buy you love. Okay maybe not love, but definitely a date with a hot celebrity. Today, shop GirlieGirl Army’s favorite Charity –Farm Sanctuary- for an online Auction to support the animals, and your jewelry habit. Wanna know why we love Farm Sanctuary so much? Check out this blog we wrote about our AHA moment during a trip up to the farm.

On from September 3-18th bid on unique celebrity experiences, rare memorabilia, and compelling special merchandise online to raise funds for the animals, to advocate for their protection, and to save lives. You can shop for the most unusual and special items and gifts – everything from gorgeous jewelry and yoga classes to once-in-a-lifetime celebrity one-on-ones, all while giving to the animals! And some things you were going to buy anyway, like yoga and dinner. Right? May as well have your money supporting a wonderful cause! How about a private lunch with Kristen Bell on the lot of “Heroes” or a visit to the set of Forest Whitaker’s latest movie and lunch with the star himself, or a gourmet cooking class in Los Angeles with “Skinny Bitch” Rory Freedman and Spork Foods? How about a shopping spree with your girlfriends at Funky Lala Boutique, as your own celebrity stylist teaches you what styles look good on you, and what to be wearing this season or Joan Jett VIP Concert Tickets with Hotel & Airfare for Two? Perhaps a Long Distance Reiki Animal Communication Session or a luxe, organic faux fur throw from Loyale? Following are some of over 70 items NOW available for the bidding, as you’ll see there is definitely something for everyone! Click on hyper links below to see specific auction lot, or see entire auction here;



CAN’T AFFORD TO BID, OR WANT TO DO SOMETHING TO HELP THAT DOESN’T ENTAIL SHOPPING? COOL. Your pleather boots were made for walking! The Walk for Farm Animals is an annual fund and awareness raiser, held each fall throughout the country in honor of World Farm Animals Day. Farm Sanctuary currently has 50 Walks scheduled, everywhere from New York City to Kansas City, from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon. A complete list of cities is available here: Last year, the Walk raised $180,000 and had over 2200 walkers. The funds raised go directly to the rescue efforts of Farm Sanctuary, the nation’s leading farmed animal protection organization. Many Walks feature live music, free vegan food, and excellent speakers (New York’s includes hot mega gorgeous Princess Superstar and foxy triathlon winner Brendan Brazier. Learn more about the Walk by going here: or email Jasmin Singer at You can register either online, or through the mail by contacting your local Walk coordinator. To begin raising money off-line, download and print this off-line offline donation form. So let’s get this straight, all you need to do is move your tuchus and yenta with cuties to make a difference? You got it! What are you waiting for? Sign up!

Farm Sanctuary is working hard to care for the large number of animals rescued from major cases this year – from natural disasters hitting factory farms to escapees from urban live markets – and also fighting to STOP farm animal abuse through investigations, prosecutions and legislative initiatives across the U.S. Funding these efforts is not easy. Operating the nation’s first and leading farm animal shelters in NY and CA and taking on the egg, meat and dairy industries requires tremendous resources. The animals are counting on us and we’re counting on people who care about cows, pigs, chickens and other “forgotten” animals on factory farms – who desperately need relief. That’s why we need your help more than ever to care for the animals and continue our campaigns in 2008. Funds raised from this auction and walk will go towards the care of our rescued animals. Please, bid and donate generously for the animals and take this opportunity to use your shopping dollars to support our work. Please pass this email on and repost or blog to get the word out so we can continue to be there for the animals in their dire time of need.

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Thank you for all you do towards a more compassionate world!!!