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Glass Straws Are The Bomb

Glass Straws Are The Bomb

When we first saw our friend Samantha using a glass straw, we admit we thought — okay she’s taking this hippy thing too far.  But when we started getting really into smoothies, straws with big wide mouths started sounding really good to us.  So we tried them – and we were hooked on first use.  Glass Dharma straws don’t only look beautiful and elegant, they somehow make everything taste better. Water and ice feels special, smoothies go down without staining your teeth (damn berries!), and your eco conscious can breath a sustainable sigh of relief when the sweet straws get washed instead of tossed.  Not to mention you are relieved of using icky plastics to slurp your healthy bevvys!

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Various sizes are offered for different types of beverage and beverage-ware, and they are durable, easy to clean, suitable for hot and cold drinks and dishwasher safe. Using glass provides one solution to plastics leaching into our foods and ultimately ending up in our landfills and oceans.

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And they are gorgeous! Glass Dharma has all these pretty ones with designs on them that we are proud to use.  And they are amazing for kids who prefer to drink everything with a straw – our kids seem to like the bended ones.  Our three year old and ten month old both use these (with supervision of course, lest we want green juice covering our white shag rug.) They are super affordable, and if you are wino your teeth will stay white.

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Try them – let us know if you get as addicted as we are!