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Meet This Veggie Burger All-Star

Meet This Veggie Burger All-Star

Gardenburger (blah) and Gardein (yummo, but a whole lot of processed ingredients) veggie burgers are often eye rolled by super clean veggie eaters, who usually eschew the veggie burgers for a grilled portabello mushroom or something on the cleaner side.  Your search for for the perfect veggie burger has just ended.

We recently discovered Hilary’s Burgers which win an A+ for taste and nutrition containing things like millet, adzuki beans, cumin, coconut oil, and lime juice.. all vegan, non-gmo, nut and soy free, and gluten-free.  No soy protein isolates or seitan in this suckers.  Even just finding a gluten-free veggie burger option for g-free folks is a revelation!

Their original product, “The World’s Best Veggie Burger,” made its debut at owner Hilary Brown’s local burger restaurant in Lawrence, Kansas. Customer demand (in this non-vegan burger restaurant!) was so high that she started Hilary’s Eat Well and closed down her burger spot.  Talk about a win-win for people and animals!


Have we quite possibly discovered the ultimate healthy fast food? These burgers are as easy to prep as a piece of toast (toss in toaster and throw on plate or roll) and kids love them.  My two year old goes to town on these for lunch and they are protein all stars with 5 grams per patty.  Plus they are affordable and come in convenient two-packs, though you can order them in bulk online which I’m going to have to do the way my family has been chowing through them.


See Also

Find them at your local health food store or order them online.  Here’s a list of places where you can pick up these yummy bastards.

Front image via Vegan Linda