Announcing the Fourth Annual Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale!
WHEN? April 21 – April 29, 2012
WHO can participate? Just about anyone!
WHAT is it? On April 21 through April 29 (two weekends and the weekdays in between), groups from across the world will hold vegan bake sales. Each participating group gets to choose its venue, what to sell, and how it uses the proceeds. (You can hold the bake sale on any day during the period—or on more than one day if you like.)
WHY participate? 1. It’s a fun way to introduce people to the joy and tastiness of vegan foods. 2. Be part of an event that publicizes the many benefits of an animal-free diet. 3. Raise money for your favorite cause.
HOW do you participate? Go to this handy signup form or email us at Then hold a vegan bake sale sometime between April 21 and April 29. It’s that simple! (If you want to participate but cannot do so during the official time period, get in touch with us—we’ve got you covered. We strive to be as inclusive as possible.)
There are only two rules:
- Goods sold must be vegan. For baking, most importantly this means no dairy or eggs.
- Don’t sell or distribute anything during the bake sale (books, brochures, etc.) that contributes to the intentional harming of animals.
You don’t have to be a vegan group or an animal group to participate. We’re inviting school clubs, Girl Scout troops, church organizations, even bunches of friends who want to join.
It’s an easy and enjoyable way to raise funds, and to raise awareness about food that is delicious and satisfying but does not involve exploiting or killing animals. (Note that animals are killed en masse, and at all ages starting at newborn, in the dairy and egg industries). In addition, many people are allergic to dairy or eggs, and holding a vegan bake sale shows that you can make super-tasty versions of cakes, pies, cookies, and other desserts without these ingredients.
The Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale is sponsored by Compassion for Animals (CfA), a Washington, DC-area grassroots group that “works to reduce human-caused harm to animals, primarily through educating people on animal-friendly lifestyles and cultivating empathy and respect for the nonhumans with whom we share the earth.”
In 2009, the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale was named “Veg Event of the Year” by VegNews Magazine. In 2010 and 2011, groups on six continents participated, and covered the event. So far, the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale has raised over $100,000 for a variety of causes. Check out their highlights pages to get an idea of the “meangingful fun” of participating in the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale.
The Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale web site is It’s filled with information to help get your vegan bake sale going, including bake sale tips, vegan baking tips, recipes, and an introduction to veganism.
You may be able to get funding for your participation! If, instead of selling your baked goods, you give them away free to the public, and optionally take donations, you may qualify for grant from VegFund.
Here a few bake sale pointers you might want to know right off the bat if you’re not an experienced bake saler:
Secure your venue. Possible locations include shopping centers, strip malls, pet supply stores, community centers, public squares, and theatres or sports arenas before or during an event. School groups and religious groups may want to hold the event in their respective schools and places of worship. Farmers markets, craft fairs, and festivals are other possible places for a vegan bake sale, although you often have to register early. Also, any vegan-oriented store will probably be receptive (if not wildly enthusiastic) about a vegan bake sale at or near their business.
You need to get all the necessary permissions for holding a bake sale at your desired location. This can range from almost nothing to dealing with multiple levels of officials and obscure regulations. For shopping centers and strip malls, you may need permission from the owner of the property, not just store management. Health ordinances vary from place to place, and sometimes a city code will override a state code. But the good news is that in most instances, bake sales are easy to set up, in terms of legalities and permits.
Note: In some European countries, additional restrictions may apply. Check our bake sale tips page for more information and suggestions to make the process go as smoothly as possible.
The bigger and busier the venue, the earlier you may need to reserve it. For best results, start those phone calls soon.
New to vegan baking? It’s easier than you think. Just follow any of the million vegan baking recipes on the net or in cookbooks. Or, if you’re an advanced baker, you can usually make one or two minor changes (e.g., use nondairy milk instead of cow’s milk) and you’re good to go. Either way, with vegan baking you can create brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and other delectables—even cheesecakes—that are as tasty as you’ve ever had—or better! We’ve got lots of vegan baking tips and recipe links on the web site; but also, in any search engine, just enter “vegan recipe” followed by whatever you want to bake, such as “chocolate chip cookies”or “zucchini bread,” and you’ll get plenty of good recipes and cooking hints.
Please email if you have any questions or suggestions. Visit for more information.
Spread the news and the love. Fourth Annual Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale — April 21-April 29, 2012!