Vegan passover? It can be done! Skip the baby lamb bone and go green with your seder plate.. from vegan focused haggadahs to tofu-less matzoh balls, we got you.

First of all;
Grab this “Progressive Ritual Guide for Passover.” Spiritually inclusive, politically progressive, multicultural, egalitarian, uplifting, and inspirational, this haggadah includes recipes for raw vegan gefilte wish and vegan matzah ball soup.
Isa Chandra’s Maztoh Brei (above)
Observant Ashkenazi Jews don’t consume soy, corn, or beans during passover, which can make regular recipes challenging, luckily there are substitutions!
First off, check out our GirlieGirl Army Guide to our favorite Passover recipes from last year here.
Vegan Matzoh brei will keep you stuffed and happy in the mornings. Isa Chandra Moskowitz (who can veganize just about anything Jewy) who shared both her sweet and savory Brei recipes with us here.
Vegan Maztoh Brei also shares this amazing list of Passover recipe spots;
- VegSource Passover Menus Ashkenazic and Sephardic recipes and desserts, all kosher for Passover.
- Vegetarian Resource Group Passover Seder Ideas from The Lowfat Jewish Vegetarian Cookbook–Healthy Traditions from Around the World by Debra Wasserman
- PETA Passover Recipes Some recipes from the world’s biggest animal rights group.
- Vegetarians in Paradise Passover Menu Vegetarian menu of recipes for your seder.
- From Pesach Pie Crust to Hawaiian Charoset, Passover recipes with reviews.
- cooking@homewithzel.comeonin Vegan Passover menu of Brazen Raisin Pesach Stew with Baked Sweet Potatoes, Sesame Baked Eggplant, Veggie Matzoh Brie, and Dried Plum Butter
- VegKitchen with Nava Atlas
Ashkenazic-Style Seder
Sephardic-Style Seder - Vegetarian Fat Free Passover Recipes
Matzo Balls
Soup Nuts
Seven Vegetable Stew
Baked Stuffed Zucchini
Vegetarian “Chicken” Soup
Mushroom Matzo Farfel Pie
Sweet Potato Kugel
Vegetarian Kishke
Very Fudgy Brownies
Yam Pudding
Strawberry Rhubarb Compote - Jewish Food Mailing List
Sweet Potato Kugel
Potato/Kale Casserole
Eggplant Casserole
Carrot Cream Soup
Coconut Macaroons - Elimelech David Ha-Levi Web Vegan Passover Recipes
Italian-Jewish Crispy Fried Artichokes
Moroccan Beet Green Salad
Israeli Carrot Salad
Potato Dish
Potato-Mushroom Kugel
Winter Squash with Apricot - RawFoods News Passover Recipes
Raw versions of traditional recipes, including gefilte “fish”, mock chopped liver, tsimmes, and macaroons. - Wiki Raw Foods Passover Recipes
Raw foods seder recipes. - Other
(International Vegetarian Union) Passover Spinach Squares
(International Vegetarian Union) Passover Vegetable Nut Loaf
(Miso Vegan) Dark Chocolate Covered Matzo Squares
(VegWeb) Very Unorthodox Matzo-brei
(VegWeb) Farfel Pudding a la Blanche - Tofuless Matzoh Ball Soup PPK