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Exclusive: The Ultimate Post-Summer Detox

Exclusive: The Ultimate Post-Summer Detox

Here at GGA we love our girlfriends. One of our good friends is Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Vegan Chef/Cookbook Author Alexandra Jamieson. She’s been on Oprah and she has been giving us health tips on staying lean-and-mean for years now. We love her non-judgmental approach to food. It can taste good and help you look and feel great! (Even if you think you’re too busy to make real changes – she’s the expert at that!)


You’re invited to participate in an extraordinary 8-week detox program (via invite only!) where Alexandra share’s her best technology for permanently eliminating negative food forces that keep you from living your own authentic life. She’ll personally guide you along a clear-cut path toward total health and wellness (which translates to you feeling restored strength and courage so you can pursue your greatest goals!). Check her out here:

We are sure this detox will change your life if you let it.

Women’s Only 8 Week Reboot Detox Tele-Series with Alexandra Jamieson
Author of The Great American Detox Diet & Living Vegan For Dummies

Beginning Tuesday 9/14 at 2pm EST *Sign up by 9/2 for $257 in bonus gifts!

This program (for women only) isn’t about deprivation and fasting. It’s based on the power of whole foods and the system Alexandra created to heal her own body and the body of her then-boyfriend (now father to their 3.5 year old son) Morgan Spurlock in the Oscar-nominated movie “Super Size Me.”


“Diet” and “detox” are two of the most loaded words in our language. They literally bring dread into our hearts, conjuring up images of deprivation and hard, hard work. Alex doesn’t believe in diets. -At least, not in the way most people define them. She finds it depressing to have to follow stringent rules and guidelines just to feed your body. She believes that eating a balanced diet, taking supplements, such as liposomal glutathione (what is liposomal glutathione used for?), and getting into a good routine, is the best way to stay as healthy as possible. Detoxification – at least as Alexandra teaches it – is about removing the negative and adding positive steps that help you live a healthy life.

Here’s Alex (our nutrition guru) with GirlieGirl Army Founder Chloe Jo Davis (then pregnant!) and (our fitness diva) Barefoot Tiger’s Kendra Coppey;

Here's Alex with GirlieGirl Army Founder Chloe Jo Davis (then pregnant!) and Barefoot Tiger's Kendra CoppeyPIN IT

How The 8 Week Reboot Detox Tele-Series Works;

Every Tuesday at 2pm EST you’ll dial into the conference call with Alexandra and 19 other women, all of whom want to feel and look better, naturally. You’ll discuss the week’s topics and come up with strategies based on what the individual women need for their lives. Every call is recorded, so you can download and listen to the calls again, or listen later if you need to miss a call. You’ll get recipes, plans, and tips for how to make it all work and become your new lifestyle.

See Also

What past clients have said:

“I’m down to the right weight for my height. I feel fitter and healthier than ever.”

“Within one week of working with Alex I began feeling dramatically better.”

“Alex guided me through an easy transition. I lost 15 pounds, I now sleep remarkably better
and my energy is soaring!”

Sign up here (hustle, cuz only 12 spots remain already.) You must mention hearing about this detox from GirlieGirl Army in your sign up form to get all the special goodies and the price below!

Special GGA Offer Worth over $257:

Alex is offering a special bonus for GGA members, too! Sign up by 9/2 and you’ll receive Alexandra’s famous Detox Box filled with a signed copy of her book, The Great American Detox Diet, tools, products, and awesome goodies to help you along your path. You’ll also get a private, 1-hour phone consultation with Alexandra during the 8 week program. That pays for the class itself! You’ll have access to the members-only online classroom and e-group where for support in between calls. This program always creates community for the women involved, and we love the way women can support each other through making life-altering changes.