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Peep! Peep! Easter Marshmallows, Vegan-Style.

Peep! Peep! Easter Marshmallows, Vegan-Style.

Easter is on its way, and what do all the healthy girls do when they look longingly at the piles of electric pink and yellow peeps sitting at the counter of their drugstore?   Pass on by.   But now we can plan in advance and order these amazing hand cut and hand painted marshmallows from Sweet&Sara so we can still get our yummy on, sans grody ingredients! Each bunny, chick and egg is naturally colored with beets/turmeric rather than freakish chemicals… so your kids can eat them without growing gills and they are packaged totally elegantly enough to bring to a dinner party and not feel juvenile.

Easter Chick & Bunny Marshmallows, $3.75
Easter Chick & Bunny Marshmallows, $3.75

Marshmallows never tasted this good. Order them now for a special discount. 10% OFF – enter code E10.

Delectable marshmallow Easter Eggs, $2.99
Delectable marshmallow Easter Eggs, $2.99

Order online here:

And GirlieGirl Army Members Can Win a package of these sweet treats by leaving a comment below telling us why you want ’em. You must be a GirlieGirl Army Subscriber to enter.   If you aren’t one and would like to enter, sign up here first, then leave your comment below. The winner will be chosen by the Sweet&Sara Team by March 26th 2010 and will be notified via email and in the comments area below.