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5 Useful Things To Order On Amazon As You Learn To Homeschool During Covid19

5 Useful Things To Order On Amazon As You Learn To Homeschool During Covid19

5 Useful Things To Order On Amazon As You Learn To Homeschool During Covid19

Ideally, we’d buy nothing. After all, our ginormous Mom brains can surely handle this… but we are freaked out, confined, and lacking vitamin D in a major way as quarantine sets in. Quite frankly, paper and pencils are not going to cut it when we are talking about 5 weeks. What we really want is a vile of C19 tests to be sure we don’t have it, a pre-tested available vax and treatment, endless shots of mezcal, and a massage on the beach.. but seeing how that’s not going to happen, we’ve had to get serious. Once we locked our door the first time, knowing we weren’t going back out this week (more likely weeks) to lessen the curve, the silence reverberated like a metal concert. We are in New York City, with no terrace or backyard.. what would we do next with no outdoor time at all for weeks? Sure, some people are risking exposure with the walk to Central Park, but many are saying even that is unsafe and irresponsible.

5 Useful Things To Order On Amazon As You Learn To Homeschool During Covid19
5 Useful Things To Order On Amazon As You Learn To Homeschool During Covid19

Thus far, yes – it’s been one day, we are filling the time with a schedule (copy below, feel free to use) and crafting galore.

We are posting all our favorite homeschooling tips – this coming from parents really NOT interested in full time homeschooling – on our social media (@girliegirlarmy on all platforms.) There are printables galore that will guide you on your torturous (ooops.. we meant special) journey for the coming weeks, if your school hasn’t sent you any options. And we will be regularly updating this piece with what we’ve found helpful – so check back.

Here’s the schedule we’ve created for our squad which consists of a 4, 7, and 9 year old – feel free to print it out and heist it!

Wish us luck as we implement it tomorrow, and remember – most therapists will do phone sessions.

“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.” Kitty O’Meara


Here are a few things to order on amazon while you fill 5 weeks of days with your brood:

  1. A big-enough chalkboard, dry erase board, or large easel of paper. You’ll need to prove your points somehow.
  2. Baskets: To carry work, books, and supplies from room to room.
  3. Legos: Order a extra set of blank bricks that can be turned into anything – then watch Lego Brick Masters, and try to duplicate the challenges at home. Order new puzzles, board games, Jax, Cats Cradle, Shrinky dinks, indoor sporting goods like yoga mats, soft balls, mini bball hoop.
  4. Art Supplies: Magnets, Air Dry Clay, Playdough, Glue, Stickers, Paint, Paintbrushes, Pipe Cleaners, Stick on Jewels, Beading & Bracelets, Tie-Dye (in the bathtub with a big lawn & leaf bag covering the tub!), etc: We molded fun shapes out of clay, let them dry, painted them, and then hot glue gunned them onto magnets. Follow our Pinterest crafting page for tons of fun ideas! We are presuming you already have board games, markers, and magantiles – but if you don’t – these things would make the time go by far quicker!
  5. Globe and Wall Map

Though our heart aches for our small local businesses, we are so grateful that amazon is still delivering (and their CEO was the only one not to kiss Cheeto’s ass during that unfathomable press conference.)

Note: These are not wasteful purchases. As parents, you will likely always need and use the above items. Whatever you no longer have use for can easily be donated to your child’s classroom or a low-income children’s center once this time passes.

We made it easy for ya, here’s the links to each item – and yes, you can certainly buy the cheaper versions of our recommendations. We just went with links from our favorite full-time homeschooling friends:

Don’t forget to wash your hands after receiving and opening packages!

Here’s where you share your tips and favorite items! The comments section is ALL yours! Have an article you really want to share with us to help other parents in their time of homeschooling need? Email us at

See Also
One Mom's Covid Experience: The Parts No One is Talking About


  • Call Grandma/ Grandpa and ask them what they did during the Great Depression
  • Bake/ cook meals together, use a cookbook or recipe and experiment
  • Do an online yoga class
  • Reward charts (and a stash of hidden YumEarth Lollipops on hand – don’t need them hyped on sugar with nowhere to go!)
  • Organize their closet and help them try on clothes to decide what to donate, what to keep, and what to sell – make this part of a reduce, reuse, recycle lesson



YouTube Channels:

– Crash Course Kids
– Science Channel
– SciShow Kids
– National Geographic Kids
– Free School
– Geography Focus
– TheBrainScoop
– SciShow
– Kids Learning Tube
– Geeek Gurl Diaries
– Mike Likes Science
– Science Max
– SoulPancake

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash